Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Neighborhood Yard Sale Plans

The neighborhood yard sale event is planned for May 12th – 13th, 2007. If you wish to be identified as a yard/garage sale location on the handout map and benefit from association advertising of the event, then you need to contact the following people this week and submit your name and address and whether you will be having a one day or a two day sale. Residents living west of Illinois and west of Wayne Avenue should contact Gary at 253-1359, while those between Pursell and Indiana Avenue should call Sarah at 252-2210. The fee is $5.00 payable to Walnut Hills Association and will be used to offset costs of advertising and promoting the event. We are looking into providing standardized yard signs for all participants. Don't wait until the last minute to call because the maps have to be printed before the event. When we know who the participants are we will post a map on the Walnut Hills website. Just before sale day someone will collect your fee and leave some map handouts and some balloons for identification purposes on the big day and possibly some signs. Remember anyone can have his or her own sale on this weekend but we won't know who you are and therefore can't help you with promotion. We learned from last years event that being on the map helped those locations with a large number of sales. So get your neighbors involved if you want to have a yard sale! It will help with the traffic flow. Any business owners should consider doing sidewalk sales on this day and it may be a good day to have an open house if you plan to sell your home.
Last September there were some 65 paid participants and another 20 or so that joined in on the day. It would be great if we could advertise over 100 locations!
If you don’t want to have a sale at your home you may be able to put up a table at the Colorado Ave Baptist Church. Call 256-1051 for details or if you would like to donate saleable items to the church. Please check this web site for updates.

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