Here is a picture of our core group of clean-up volunteers who help organize and participate in the twice yearly Adopt-An-Area clean ups that we do in South East Dayton. Mike Schommer wearing an orange vest, is standing with his father, wife, son and two volunteers from the community as they venture out to pick up litter from an area that they have chosen to clean up. This year we let residents chose where they wanted to participate instead of designating Wyoming Avenue as the street of choice.
I want to know where do you stand, if you dont get the votes for mayor? Will you continue to support our communitie, or dismiss it as a loss?
This is not a political site and I have to keep what I do for our non-profit neighborhood association separate from my participation in the mayor's race.
I have no plans to leave Dayton for the next 30 years. I have bought the last house that I ever plan to live in and will always do my best to make Walnut Hills a place to be proud of.
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