The person doing it is leaving their "tag" and should be able to track down if anyone knows who the people are. If you know who is doing the graffiti you can post their name and remain anonymous and it will be forwarded to the police. I'm sure the person doing the "tagging" is new to the neighborhood and based on their behavior, won't remain here too long. In the meantime we have to deal with their behavioral disorder! Let us know if you know who uses these tags.

i belive we have bigger problems in the neighborhood than some grafitti, to spend so much time and resources a on an ever groing fad. it wont stop its been going on since the 80's
Ok first off the markers on the picnic tables is clearly a young girl or girls playing around,nothing to worry about. The crap that's done in spray paint the "pask" & "erke" stuff is the real graffitti problem. I've seen this junk all around the city of Dayton. It makes me angery! Don't the buisness owners have security cammeras on any of these locations? Cant we catch these punks?
I like driving around the city looking at the tags i like seeing new tags appear. I admire them in a way. theyre just ppl doing what they like. oh and graffiti artist are way to slick to be caught even by cameras. all they need is a hoodie. until youknow how it feels to let the city know that your uncatchable is probably the best part about it though. I say sto worrying about it, it makes our city beautiful and unique. go check out front street sometime you might appreciate it.
ever since man has been around he has put his mark on various surfaces to show he has been there... spraypaint just happens to be today's choice method of doing so. is a painted name really so offensive? with an open mind you may find the point behind the art.
your stupid, stop bitching about graffiti, and start bitching about all the gangs and drug dealers instead of some paint
Dayton is a small town with sub-par graffiti. Prolific and truly "in your face" graffiti comes from competition,of which there is little in Dayton. Only one or two graffiti writers have raised the bar in Dayton. For the most part it's the same level of small scale vandalism and malicious mischief you'll see in any town along I-70.
I'm just saying, count your blessings. Considering how poor of a community Dayton is, you're lucky to have so little graf.
Okay, the guy who writes p.a.s.k, his real name is Cravin Morhead, I dont know where he lives he was arested for shoplifting a bird, I saw it in the Paper.
I dont know the other guy
by the way, p.a.s.k stands for
Craving more head. That's an old one! Haven't heard it in a while.
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I have been lurking your forum and would agree that some of the graffiti you are "flicking" is artistic. If this was painted on a wall of an abandoned building that was suffering from neglect it would not be considered to be vandalism and could be viewed as art. However the photos of the tags in our neighborhood are of private property with bonefied owners who are responsible for cleaning those tags up. Society would ask that you be considerate of others. If I would paint my name across the front door of your house or your car at 4:00 AM, how would you feel?
Front Street has a graffiti wall for artists. I'm sure some neighborhoods would be happy to find a place where graffiti would be tolerated and every year, paint out the prior years "art" providing a clean "canvas" for you folks to ply your trade. If this were something any of you would be interested in please comment. I have the city's ear at the moment and could possibly make this happen.
cravin morehead....rofl
this is retarded. get over it. dayton has more problems to be worrying about than some paint on a wall. seriously. get over yourselves. there is hardly any graffiti in dayton to begin with. maybe you should put down that bucket of roller paint, which, by the way looks 10 times uglier than the art that was there in the first place.. atleast make it match the original surface, idiots. and you could start elsewhere such as crime, drugs, and poverty instead of with some stupid writing on a wall. boohoo, cry me a river.
Anyone that would seriously tell on someone is gay as fuck. Calm down there, killers. Pask is the realiest dude around here. He's been around for years, and isn't going anywhwre anytime soon. Sorry. Pask/ESE put Dayton on the map for graffiti. His stuff is honestly amamzing. It's amazing what people can do with a paint can. What's it seriously hurting to have it around? Seriously people, quit bitching. It'll never go away.
While I'm a business in this area of Dayton that has painted and try my best to upgrade my property and I can tell you after two years of dealing with these criminals I'm tired of cleaning up after these punks and let me remind you bitch,fuck,asshole and other words of this class is not art work. Now when a cat comes back one evening that has been painted from head to toe from these individuals is the last straw for me I shall deal with these people myself and it is not the additional 700 hundred I have spent on paint it is for painting the cat. Right bazar,iwoa,and the other that preform this art contemporary!
The people who think grafitti is no big deal or should even be appreciated would change their tune quickly if it happened to a building they own. What if someone threw a bucket of paint on their car and for the matter, flattened their tires? No biggie...get over it...quit crying. Then, when they get their car happens again. This logic falls on deaf ears with the taggers I'm sure. Too bad.
its a cru too
PASK.. Is Mathew Burchette (sp?)
No shit no lie and the dayton police already know it they just havent caught him in the act. I think he is a local tattoo artist
Matty B is PASK.. this guy is "the Realest"? what the f. he is a two bit woman beater. and sees everyone as something to use. now that dude is getting older and just drags kids into his lame ESE. tag crew. even the tags on free walls they do are dated and lack talent. please no one cares about catching this dude. he is nobody and never will be anybody.
This graffiti isn't even close to being good. Practice your crappy work at home and stay there until you get good. Then find something that's a better medium to put it on. Most of these locations are just pussy anyway. So of course they won't get caught.
Who the hell fags up a picnic table with children's art on it?
There's a better place to put tags that's for sure, but more importantly make it count.
If you knew anything about "Matty B" you would know he is a super fun guy with a huge heart! He helps out any of his friends/family when they are in need and he is very talented. I bet its pretty hard to paint a stellar painting when its 4am, and you are trying not to get caught! He isn't a woman beater either! He got mixed up with a crazy, who claimed he hit her. NOT TRUE! He has so many girls wanting to be with him all the time, there is no need to hit them! He is very slick, and has been at it for so many years.... good luck catching him! I would love to see a Dayton cop, or anyone out run him! I loved this guy and always will! Did I mention he is great in bed? True story!
Everyone knows he hasnt done anything new in years! Now its just a bunch of kids that are trying to keep his name alive by putting up his shit! Stop being bitches and throwing out names!
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