I took a long walk Sunday morning in the snow and right at the corner of Heaton & Gunkel two vandals drove past me on ATVs. The grass in the little triangle park there had already been torn up by them and I believe these two may also be the one's responsible for destroying parts of the Walnut Hills Park. I snapped these photos of them and then called the Dayton Police at 333-COPS. If you see them out I urge you to do the same - their behavior is dangerous and illegal. They're destroying public property and risking lives.

The youths were traveling south in the alley between Colorada Ave. and Walnut Hill Pl. If you recognize them but don't want to get involved you can contact me at 271-3477 and I'll be glad to get more involved.
I believe I have seen these two riding around the hockey rink at Walnut Hills Park. This would have been about a week to 10 days ago. I will keep my eyes open & let you know if I see them.
I think riding a quad in the snow would be tons of fun! I doubt they tore up the grass any worse than whoevers truck drove over the triangle. (snowplow? garbage truck? Can`t tell from the tracks, but I DO know it wasn`t a quad, because the tracks are too far apart and the tires too wide.)Maybe you saw those tracks and assumed it was the quads?
they live on Colorado ave
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