New Residential Property ‘Disclosure’ Law Takes Effect January 1st
Release Date: Friday, December 29, 2006
Contact: John Baker, Housing Inspection Manager, 333-3977
Effective January 1, 2007, all residential property transfers or sales within the city of Dayton will be required to include a “disclosure of open violation” notice. The City Commission approved the Ordinance recently to ensure that code violations are resolved or acknowledged before a property changes hands. The new law requires both the buyer and seller of any residential property to file a Certificate of Disclosure with the Housing Inspection Division. This disclosure form must be filed with the Housing Inspection Division regardless of whether or not there are any outstanding violation notices on the property.
“Too often a homebuyer will acquire a home without realizing there are outstanding code violations connected with the property,” said John Baker, Manager of Housing Inspection for the City of Dayton. “This new Ordinance will help ensure that properties in need of repairs get fixed before they are sold or transferred to another individual. It’s just another way we can help enhance the quality and vitality of our neighborhoods.”
Any open violation notices must be disclosed so that they can be corrected prior to the sale or it confirms that the buyer is agreeing to make the listed repairs.
Beginning in January, the Certificate of Disclosure form can be found on the City of Dayton’s website (, in the Building Services Department at 371 West Second Street, at Priority Board site offices, and in public libraries in the city of Dayton.
The following information provides additional detail about the Disclosure Ordinance:
What is the purpose of the Disclosure Ordinance?
To help ensure that any existing violation notices on the property get resolved satisfactorily.
How does the Disclosure Ordinance accomplish that?
The disclosure ordinance requires the addresses and phone numbers of the buyer, seller, real estate agent, title company, appraiser, and mortgage or lending institution assisting in the conveyance. Any open violation notices must be disclosed so that they can be corrected prior to the sale or it confirms that the buyer is agreeing to make the listed repairs.
Can the property be sold with an open code violation notice?
Yes. However the buyer is acknowledging that they will appeal the violation notice to the Housing Appeals Board within 10 days or make the necessary repairs within 90 days of the sale. Failing to comply with the Legal Notice is a third degree offense punishable by up to a $500.00 fine and or 30 days incarceration.
Who has to file this Certificate of Disclosure?
Both buyer and seller must sign the completed Certificate of Disclosure, so either party may actually submit the completed form. 93.54 (A)
Are there any exceptions?
Yes. Section 93.54 (D) exempts sales or transfers made under the following circumstances:
(1) Made pursuant to judicial orders;
(2) Made to or by the state, a political subdivision of the state, or another government entity;
(3) Made between spouses or former spouses as a result of a decree of divorce, dissolution of
marriage, annulment, or legal separation or as a result of property settlement agreement incidental to a decree of a divorce, dissolution of marriage, annulment, or legal separation.
Is there a cost for filing the Certificate of Disclosure?
Only if there is an open violation notice outstanding on the property. If violation notices do exist, then a $60.00 filing fee is required. If there are no violation notices, the filing of the disclosure form is free. 93.54 (C)
How do I know if violation notices exist?
Beginning on January 1, 2007 you can find this information at the City of Dayton’s web site By searching for the address of the property, you will be able to search for any open violation orders.
What do I do when I find the address?
The violations cited on any orders will appear in a list. You can then select to print the Certificate of Disclosure and the violations will print within the form. Have both the buyer and seller sign the completed application and fax to (937) 333-4294 or mail to the following address:
Housing Inspection Division
Certificate of Disclosure
P.O. Box 22
Dayton OH 45401-0022
What if I can not find the address on your web site?
For newer structures, it is possible that we do not have the address in our Housing Inspection data base system yet. If you do not find the address you are looking for, call (937) 333-3977 and ask to speak to someone to obtain a Certificate of Disclosure form on a property not listed in the system. They will take your information and research the address and get back to you within 48 hours.
When does the form need to be submitted?
The signed Certificate of Disclosure must be received at least three (3) days prior to the sale of the property. 93.54 (B)
Is there a penalty for not complying with this ordinance?
Yes. For individuals, the first violation of this section is a minor misdemeanor, and any subsequent offense is a fourth degree misdemeanor. A minor misdemeanor conviction carries a maximum fine of $150.00. A fourth degree misdemeanor conviction carries a maximum fine of $250.00 and or incarceration of not more than 30 days.
For an organization convicted of violating this section, a minor misdemeanor conviction carries a maximum fine of $1,000.00, and a fourth degree misdemeanor conviction carries a maximum fine of $2,000.00.
"The Mission of the Walnut Hills Association is to dedicate our neighborhood efforts to ensure safety, security, and knowledge for all our residents."
Friday, December 29, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Light Up Your Christmas!
Fun holiday lighting and yard art adorned the Walnut Hills neighborhood. Area residents decked the halls to participate in the Walnut Hills Christmas Decorating Contest. Top honor went to the Dixon’s at 1242 Carlisle Ave. They will receive $25.00 for their gleeful holiday extravaganza. Joyce Riley, 1342 Epworth Ave., came in second and will receive a $10.00 prize. Third place winner resides at 250 Medford Ave. They also will receive $10.00. All winners will be recognized at the Jan. 8 meeting. Thanks to all residents who decorated their homes for the holidays. There were many beautiful displays.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Dayton Announces Next Round of “ORION” Neighborhoods
Release Date: Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Contact: Jessica Jenkins, City Manager’s Office, 333-3675
After evaluating proposals from 12 neighborhoods, the City of Dayton has selected participants for the next round of its neighborhood stabilization program, called the ORION Solution program.
The three neighborhoods selected to participate during the first half of 2007 are Five Oaks and Mt. Vernon (combined) and Twin Towers. Three neighborhoods identified to participate in the program during the second half of 2007 are Westwood and Roosevelt (combined) and Old North Dayton.
The ORION program, which was first announced last year, stands for “Organizing Resources to Improve Our Neighborhoods.” The program’s objective is to coordinate key City services in targeted neighborhoods for a concentrated period of time. City departments work with neighborhood organizations and citizens to focus services like police, fire, building inspection, recreation, and public works in areas that need the extra attention, according to circumstances that are immediately affecting residents who live there.
The first four neighborhoods to participate in the ORION Solution this year were Riverdale, Santa Clara, Wolf Creek and Old Dayton View. Results show the program made significant improvements in the targeted areas.
“The first phase of the ORION Solution showed us the kind of success we can achieve if we coordinate our staff and our services with the active participation of neighborhood residents,” City Manager Rashad Young said. “Collaboration and involvement among our residents is key to making sure the impact of the ORION program continues for the long-term. The results we saw for the inaugural ORION neighborhoods makes me believe we can achieve similar on-going success in 2007.”
This Fall neighborhoods were encouraged to submit applications to be included in the ORION program for 2007. Twelve neighborhoods responded. An evaluation committee of City staff reviewed each proposal and made the final recommendations to the City Manager. The evaluation team looked at such factors as crime, housing conditions, demographic make-up, and citizen involvement capabilities to reach their recommendation.
Although the Five Oaks and Mt. Vernon neighborhoods applied separately, their close proximity to one another, as well as to recent ORION program participant Santa Clara, made them a good candidate for the opening round of 2007, roughly January-June. Both neighborhoods enjoy a high level of citizen participation and good housing stock. At the same time, they each face various quality of life issues especially relating to criminal activity.
Twin Towers possess diverse housing stock ranging from well-maintained homes to vacant and boarded structures. They have an active Community Council and other options for citizen participation that can help with implementing the ORION efforts. There is also a good opportunity to collaborate with the nearby South Park Planning District. Crime issues are a leading neighborhood concern.
The second round of 2007 program is expected to run from roughly July-December. Old North Dayton was selected for this round in part because of several quality of life issues, such as housing code violations, theft of copper piping, vandalism and vacant homes and businesses. Children’s Medical Center and the Old North Dayton Development Corporation will serve as important anchors for any future stabilization efforts.
The southern Westwood and Roosevelt neighborhoods will be addressed in unison due to their close proximity and related issues, including crime and housing concerns. A tradition of strong citizen involvement coupled with the opportunity to re-energize block clubs and other citizen groups helped in the committee’s decision-making.
City of Dayton staff will be meeting with leaders from the selected neighborhoods early next year. At that time, residents and appropriate departments will coordinate efforts to best deal with the individual neighborhood concerns.
Contact: Jessica Jenkins, City Manager’s Office, 333-3675
After evaluating proposals from 12 neighborhoods, the City of Dayton has selected participants for the next round of its neighborhood stabilization program, called the ORION Solution program.
The three neighborhoods selected to participate during the first half of 2007 are Five Oaks and Mt. Vernon (combined) and Twin Towers. Three neighborhoods identified to participate in the program during the second half of 2007 are Westwood and Roosevelt (combined) and Old North Dayton.
The ORION program, which was first announced last year, stands for “Organizing Resources to Improve Our Neighborhoods.” The program’s objective is to coordinate key City services in targeted neighborhoods for a concentrated period of time. City departments work with neighborhood organizations and citizens to focus services like police, fire, building inspection, recreation, and public works in areas that need the extra attention, according to circumstances that are immediately affecting residents who live there.
The first four neighborhoods to participate in the ORION Solution this year were Riverdale, Santa Clara, Wolf Creek and Old Dayton View. Results show the program made significant improvements in the targeted areas.
“The first phase of the ORION Solution showed us the kind of success we can achieve if we coordinate our staff and our services with the active participation of neighborhood residents,” City Manager Rashad Young said. “Collaboration and involvement among our residents is key to making sure the impact of the ORION program continues for the long-term. The results we saw for the inaugural ORION neighborhoods makes me believe we can achieve similar on-going success in 2007.”
This Fall neighborhoods were encouraged to submit applications to be included in the ORION program for 2007. Twelve neighborhoods responded. An evaluation committee of City staff reviewed each proposal and made the final recommendations to the City Manager. The evaluation team looked at such factors as crime, housing conditions, demographic make-up, and citizen involvement capabilities to reach their recommendation.
Although the Five Oaks and Mt. Vernon neighborhoods applied separately, their close proximity to one another, as well as to recent ORION program participant Santa Clara, made them a good candidate for the opening round of 2007, roughly January-June. Both neighborhoods enjoy a high level of citizen participation and good housing stock. At the same time, they each face various quality of life issues especially relating to criminal activity.
Twin Towers possess diverse housing stock ranging from well-maintained homes to vacant and boarded structures. They have an active Community Council and other options for citizen participation that can help with implementing the ORION efforts. There is also a good opportunity to collaborate with the nearby South Park Planning District. Crime issues are a leading neighborhood concern.
The second round of 2007 program is expected to run from roughly July-December. Old North Dayton was selected for this round in part because of several quality of life issues, such as housing code violations, theft of copper piping, vandalism and vacant homes and businesses. Children’s Medical Center and the Old North Dayton Development Corporation will serve as important anchors for any future stabilization efforts.
The southern Westwood and Roosevelt neighborhoods will be addressed in unison due to their close proximity and related issues, including crime and housing concerns. A tradition of strong citizen involvement coupled with the opportunity to re-energize block clubs and other citizen groups helped in the committee’s decision-making.
City of Dayton staff will be meeting with leaders from the selected neighborhoods early next year. At that time, residents and appropriate departments will coordinate efforts to best deal with the individual neighborhood concerns.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Decorating Contest!
The Walnut Hills Housing Committee is holding a Christmas Decorating Contest. We will have several people from the association go out and view the entire area for the most unique, cutest or the one with the most originality. We will award first place $25, second place $10, and third place $10. Each winner will also receive a certificate. The winners will be announced in the January newsletter and at the January meeting.
Happy Holidays to all our residents!
It is that time of year when the weather can get the best of us and we have to be considerate of our neighbors. If you have the ability, clear sidewalks of snow for those who don't. If you are clearing alleys, don't pile the snow in front of a neighboring garage. The neighbor may have a car in there! When digging your car out of the snow, do not throw the snow on the sidewalk where an area has already been cleared. If you have a vehicle that won't run, park it in front of your own house and not the one across the street, you prevent your neighbor from having the opportunity to park in front of their own house. Often we are so focused on our own problem that we fail to realize that we are creating problems for the person next door or across the street.
On another matter, it was noticed last month that most people in this neighborhood do not put their porch lights on at night and many of those that do actually deliver these newsletters! The cost to leave your porch light on all night is about $3.00 a month. By not leaving it on, you invite crime to happen.
On another matter, it was noticed last month that most people in this neighborhood do not put their porch lights on at night and many of those that do actually deliver these newsletters! The cost to leave your porch light on all night is about $3.00 a month. By not leaving it on, you invite crime to happen.
Twin Towers Cellular Patrol
The Twin Towers neighborhood have established a neighborhood patrol that covers their neighborhood and a portion of ours. If you would like to participate in this then contact Barb Bauer at 253-1616 for details and ways that you can help.
New Priority Board Committees
The Southeast Dayton Priority Board has changed their committee organization and is looking for additional citizens to get involved. You do not have to become a priority board member to participate in the committees, just a concerned resident of southeast Dayton. The committees will consist of the following categories;
Public Safety Committee – Activities relate to Police and Fire issues as well as court-watch projects and generally anything considered to impact public safety.
Community Development - Activities combine much of what the former committees of Community Relations, Business and Industry and Human Services used to engage in. For example Business and Industry activities related to retaining, attracting, increasing, promoting and improving the physical appearance of Southeast businesses. Community Relations activities related to promoting and marketing the SEPB to the community by improving communications and facilitating promotional functions. They also provided training opportunities for Board members. Human Services activities related to promotion of children’s health and communication issues, holding the City’s Recreation and Parks Dept. more accountable for youth programming, becoming more involved in non-City sponsored youth/teen centers, and supporting the Dayton Public Schools. They also educated residents regarding homeless issues.
Housing – Activities relate to holding the City more responsible for housing inspection results, education of property owners regarding their responsibilities and resources available to them, and advocacy for neighborhood cleanliness and maintenance of infrastructure, and responsible placement of homeless shelters.
Public Works - Activities relate to trash pickup, alley sweeps, traffic control issues, street repairs, RTA issues, advocating for an equitable distribution of revenues to SE public works projects, and coordinating issues related to medical services and providers such as expansion plans for MVH.
Financial Committee - Activities relate to researching and soliciting of grant monies for priority board projects and oversight of board expenditures and purchases for such projects. This group will work closely with the Treasurer who and the Coordinator.
This is one more tool that has been created by our Priority Board to allow members of the general public to have an influence on “Quality of Life” issues within our neighborhoods. The Priority Boards establish citizen participation in local government. These committees permit anyone in southeast Dayton to influence the Priority Board membership. For details or to join a committee, contact Ken Marcellus at 333-7381.
Public Safety Committee – Activities relate to Police and Fire issues as well as court-watch projects and generally anything considered to impact public safety.
Community Development - Activities combine much of what the former committees of Community Relations, Business and Industry and Human Services used to engage in. For example Business and Industry activities related to retaining, attracting, increasing, promoting and improving the physical appearance of Southeast businesses. Community Relations activities related to promoting and marketing the SEPB to the community by improving communications and facilitating promotional functions. They also provided training opportunities for Board members. Human Services activities related to promotion of children’s health and communication issues, holding the City’s Recreation and Parks Dept. more accountable for youth programming, becoming more involved in non-City sponsored youth/teen centers, and supporting the Dayton Public Schools. They also educated residents regarding homeless issues.
Housing – Activities relate to holding the City more responsible for housing inspection results, education of property owners regarding their responsibilities and resources available to them, and advocacy for neighborhood cleanliness and maintenance of infrastructure, and responsible placement of homeless shelters.
Public Works - Activities relate to trash pickup, alley sweeps, traffic control issues, street repairs, RTA issues, advocating for an equitable distribution of revenues to SE public works projects, and coordinating issues related to medical services and providers such as expansion plans for MVH.
Financial Committee - Activities relate to researching and soliciting of grant monies for priority board projects and oversight of board expenditures and purchases for such projects. This group will work closely with the Treasurer who and the Coordinator.
This is one more tool that has been created by our Priority Board to allow members of the general public to have an influence on “Quality of Life” issues within our neighborhoods. The Priority Boards establish citizen participation in local government. These committees permit anyone in southeast Dayton to influence the Priority Board membership. For details or to join a committee, contact Ken Marcellus at 333-7381.
Winter Raffle
Tickets are $1 or six for $5.
Available from any of the officers or committee chairpersons listed on the front of this newsletter.
Prize is a Compaq Presario Notebook Laptop computer. This thing is slick! It has the following;
*Intel Celeron M processor 420 with 533MHz front side bus, 1MB l2 cache and 1.6GHz processor speed
*512MB DDR2 memory for multitasking power, expandable to 2GB
*80GB Serial ATA hard drive (5400rpm)
*DVD-ROM/CD-RW combo drive
*15.4” WXGA wide screen high-definition display and 1280 x 800 resolution
*Built in high speed wireless LAN (802.11b/g); 10/1000Base-T Ethernet LAN with RJ-45 connector;56 Kbps high-speed modem
*Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 950 with up to 128MB shared video memory
*2 High-speed USB 2.0 ports for fast digital video, audio and data transfer
*Weighs 6.4 lbs and measures 1.8” thin for portable power
Comes with Microsoft works, Microsoft Money, Windows Media Player, Sonic Digital Media Plus, Adobe Acrobat Reader,Real Rhapsody and more.
Available from any of the officers or committee chairpersons listed on the front of this newsletter.
Prize is a Compaq Presario Notebook Laptop computer. This thing is slick! It has the following;
*Intel Celeron M processor 420 with 533MHz front side bus, 1MB l2 cache and 1.6GHz processor speed
*512MB DDR2 memory for multitasking power, expandable to 2GB
*80GB Serial ATA hard drive (5400rpm)
*DVD-ROM/CD-RW combo drive
*15.4” WXGA wide screen high-definition display and 1280 x 800 resolution
*Built in high speed wireless LAN (802.11b/g); 10/1000Base-T Ethernet LAN with RJ-45 connector;56 Kbps high-speed modem
*Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 950 with up to 128MB shared video memory
*2 High-speed USB 2.0 ports for fast digital video, audio and data transfer
*Weighs 6.4 lbs and measures 1.8” thin for portable power
Comes with Microsoft works, Microsoft Money, Windows Media Player, Sonic Digital Media Plus, Adobe Acrobat Reader,Real Rhapsody and more.
Historic South Park to Hold Holiday Home Tour
Release Date: Wednesday, November 29, 2006
The Historic South Park neighborhood will hold its semi-annual Holiday Home Tour this Saturday, December 2, from 2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. A dozen historic homes will be lavishly decorated inside and out for the holidays. The RTA Wright Flyer Trolley will traverse the route, providing a narrated tour of the neighborhood, carolers and other musicians will provide entertainment along the way. Participants can also enjoy a delicious holiday dessert buffet and browse the neighborhood antique shop. Tickets are $10 in advance and can be purchased from or by calling 228-3501. On the day of the tour, tickets are $15, and may be purchased at Hope Lutheran Church, 500 Hickory Street (the starting point of the tour). Come and see city of Dayton living at its finest!
The Historic South Park neighborhood will hold its semi-annual Holiday Home Tour this Saturday, December 2, from 2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. A dozen historic homes will be lavishly decorated inside and out for the holidays. The RTA Wright Flyer Trolley will traverse the route, providing a narrated tour of the neighborhood, carolers and other musicians will provide entertainment along the way. Participants can also enjoy a delicious holiday dessert buffet and browse the neighborhood antique shop. Tickets are $10 in advance and can be purchased from or by calling 228-3501. On the day of the tour, tickets are $15, and may be purchased at Hope Lutheran Church, 500 Hickory Street (the starting point of the tour). Come and see city of Dayton living at its finest!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
City of Dayton Initiates Unprecedented
Downtown Redevelopment Project
$230 Million Effort Features Housing, Retail, Commercial and Entertainment
Release Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Contact: Shelley Dickstein, Special Projects Administrator, 333-3600
The Dayton City Commission today announced one of the largest redevelopment efforts ever undertaken in this region – a $230 million project that would create a mixture of housing, retail, commercial and entertainment venues along Dayton’s downtown waterfront.
At tonight’s Commission Meeting, the City Commission adopted a Preliminary Development Agreement with two development partners, one of which is the lead principal of the Dayton Dragons baseball team – Mandalay Baseball Properties, LLC.
The development agreement was approved between the City of Dayton, Bear Creek Capital, LLC, and Ballpark Consultants, LLC (Mandalay). A preliminary site plan submitted by the developers calls for the creation of a dynamic mixed-use development, including a retail-entertainment center, modern residential units, and a mixed commercial-retail center.
The estimated total project investment is $230 million, with approximately $197 million for development activity and the remainder for utility and infrastructure improvements. The use of any City of Dayton General Fund tax dollars are expected to be minimal.
Other partners engaged in this initiative include the Downtown Dayton Partnership, CityWide Development Corporation, Montgomery County and the Miami Conservancy District.
Under terms of the agreement, the parties will pursue a three-pronged redevelopment of land along the Great Miami River in the northeast quadrant of downtown. The three specific parcels of property are defined as the following:
· Parkside Site, 37 acres of land currently owned by the Dayton Metropolitan Housing Authority. This site will be redeveloped as a retail center featuring “big-box” anchor stores. Projected investment: $40 million.
· Deeds Point Site, 12 acres of land owned by the City of Dayton and operated as park space. This property is intended to be developed as high-density, multi-family residential units, including condominiums and/or apartment complexes. Projected investment: $77 million.
· Webster Station Site, 23 acres of land adjacent to Fifth Third Field and currently comprised of mixed uses. This area will be developed as a mixed-use entertainment, retail, office and residential project, including restaurants and off-street parking facilities. Projected investment: $80 million.
“This is absolutely fantastic news,” Dayton Mayor Rhine McLin said on behalf of the City Commission. “This project has the potential to transform the downtown landscape to a degree few people have thought possible. The combination of housing, retail, commercial and entertainment venues along the beautiful waterfront presents a host of opportunities for residents of Dayton and the surrounding region.”
“We are especially excited about once again partnering with Mandalay on a major downtown revitalization project,” said Rashad Young, Interim City Manager. “Mandalay first had the vision and courage to invest in Dayton when they decided to bring the Dayton Dragons to town, and that investment has certainly paid off. We are confident that this latest redevelopment partnership will enjoy the same level of success.”
Based on the preliminary development agreement, the City of Dayton and the Developer will, over a six-month period, conduct various undertakings, including site assembly, economic feasibility studies, etc.
“Nothing of this magnitude has been attempted before in this region,” Mayor McLin said. “However, the developers on this project are proven professionals with the experience to complete such a large-scale, high-impact development. They each boast a track record of performance and building strong relationships within the communities where they work. We are excited about the credentials and the portfolio of successes they bring to the table, and we share the vision for what downtown Dayton can become.”
Ballpark Consultants, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Mandalay Baseball Properties, is known for constructing new state-of-the-art ballparks for its baseball franchises, as well as spearheading development of real estate in and around communities where those stadiums are located.
Bear Creek Capital is a Cincinnati-based real estate firm, which has been highly successful in developing residential, retail, office and mixed-use properties across the nation, with specific experience in redeveloping several urban communities. The company has approximately 10 million square feet of real estate assets.
Architectural work on the project will be performed by the Development Design Group, an international design group with a history of achievement and successful waterfront renewal projects.
Downtown Redevelopment Project
$230 Million Effort Features Housing, Retail, Commercial and Entertainment
Release Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Contact: Shelley Dickstein, Special Projects Administrator, 333-3600
The Dayton City Commission today announced one of the largest redevelopment efforts ever undertaken in this region – a $230 million project that would create a mixture of housing, retail, commercial and entertainment venues along Dayton’s downtown waterfront.
At tonight’s Commission Meeting, the City Commission adopted a Preliminary Development Agreement with two development partners, one of which is the lead principal of the Dayton Dragons baseball team – Mandalay Baseball Properties, LLC.
The development agreement was approved between the City of Dayton, Bear Creek Capital, LLC, and Ballpark Consultants, LLC (Mandalay). A preliminary site plan submitted by the developers calls for the creation of a dynamic mixed-use development, including a retail-entertainment center, modern residential units, and a mixed commercial-retail center.
The estimated total project investment is $230 million, with approximately $197 million for development activity and the remainder for utility and infrastructure improvements. The use of any City of Dayton General Fund tax dollars are expected to be minimal.
Other partners engaged in this initiative include the Downtown Dayton Partnership, CityWide Development Corporation, Montgomery County and the Miami Conservancy District.
Under terms of the agreement, the parties will pursue a three-pronged redevelopment of land along the Great Miami River in the northeast quadrant of downtown. The three specific parcels of property are defined as the following:
· Parkside Site, 37 acres of land currently owned by the Dayton Metropolitan Housing Authority. This site will be redeveloped as a retail center featuring “big-box” anchor stores. Projected investment: $40 million.
· Deeds Point Site, 12 acres of land owned by the City of Dayton and operated as park space. This property is intended to be developed as high-density, multi-family residential units, including condominiums and/or apartment complexes. Projected investment: $77 million.
· Webster Station Site, 23 acres of land adjacent to Fifth Third Field and currently comprised of mixed uses. This area will be developed as a mixed-use entertainment, retail, office and residential project, including restaurants and off-street parking facilities. Projected investment: $80 million.
“This is absolutely fantastic news,” Dayton Mayor Rhine McLin said on behalf of the City Commission. “This project has the potential to transform the downtown landscape to a degree few people have thought possible. The combination of housing, retail, commercial and entertainment venues along the beautiful waterfront presents a host of opportunities for residents of Dayton and the surrounding region.”
“We are especially excited about once again partnering with Mandalay on a major downtown revitalization project,” said Rashad Young, Interim City Manager. “Mandalay first had the vision and courage to invest in Dayton when they decided to bring the Dayton Dragons to town, and that investment has certainly paid off. We are confident that this latest redevelopment partnership will enjoy the same level of success.”
Based on the preliminary development agreement, the City of Dayton and the Developer will, over a six-month period, conduct various undertakings, including site assembly, economic feasibility studies, etc.
“Nothing of this magnitude has been attempted before in this region,” Mayor McLin said. “However, the developers on this project are proven professionals with the experience to complete such a large-scale, high-impact development. They each boast a track record of performance and building strong relationships within the communities where they work. We are excited about the credentials and the portfolio of successes they bring to the table, and we share the vision for what downtown Dayton can become.”
Ballpark Consultants, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Mandalay Baseball Properties, is known for constructing new state-of-the-art ballparks for its baseball franchises, as well as spearheading development of real estate in and around communities where those stadiums are located.
Bear Creek Capital is a Cincinnati-based real estate firm, which has been highly successful in developing residential, retail, office and mixed-use properties across the nation, with specific experience in redeveloping several urban communities. The company has approximately 10 million square feet of real estate assets.
Architectural work on the project will be performed by the Development Design Group, an international design group with a history of achievement and successful waterfront renewal projects.
Friday, November 10, 2006
City of Dayton Seeks Community Input on Kroger Site Proposal
Release Date: Friday, November 10, 2006
Contact: Gwen Eberly, Acting Economic Development Director, 333-3805
Keith Klein, Senior Development Specialist, 333-3812
The City of Dayton Office of Economic Development has tentatively selected Midland Atlantic Development as the preferred developer for the proposed 12-acre site located at the corner of Wayne Avenue and Wyoming Street. The proposed site plan will be presented for community input at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, November 13 at the Southeast Priority Board, located at 2160 E. Fifth Street. A representative of Midland Atlantic will make a brief presentation on the proposal at that time. The public is encouraged to attend and comment on the site plan.
Midland Atlantic Development submitted a proposal in partnership with the Kroger Company. The proposal calls for a 76,000-sq.-ft. grocery store with a gas station and two additional 10,000-sq.-ft. retail buildings. City of Dayton Economic Development staff will negotiate a development agreement with Midland Atlantic to finalize the terms of the Wayne and Wyoming project. These discussions will include establishment of a site plan for the project. City staff expect the proposal to be formally presented to the Dayton City Commission for approval early next year.
Midland Atlantic has constructed more than four million square feet of space throughout the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic regions, which includes an impressive list of successful retail developments. Their projects have included large mixed-use projects, power centers, neighborhood retail, and free-standing build-to-suit developments.
The project is based on the City of Dayton’s 1999 long-range plan, CitiPlan 20/20. The plan calls for concentrating commercial activity at strategic locations, known as clusters or nodes, in order to increase economic benefits to the community. The City hopes to build upon other successes in the area, including new Family Video and Family Dollar stores, CoCo’s restaurant, and the University of Dayton expansion.
For further information, contact Keith Klein, Senior Development Specialist, at 333-3812. Media inquiries should be directed to Gwen Eberly, Acting Economic Development Director, at 333-3805.
Contact: Gwen Eberly, Acting Economic Development Director, 333-3805
Keith Klein, Senior Development Specialist, 333-3812
The City of Dayton Office of Economic Development has tentatively selected Midland Atlantic Development as the preferred developer for the proposed 12-acre site located at the corner of Wayne Avenue and Wyoming Street. The proposed site plan will be presented for community input at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, November 13 at the Southeast Priority Board, located at 2160 E. Fifth Street. A representative of Midland Atlantic will make a brief presentation on the proposal at that time. The public is encouraged to attend and comment on the site plan.
Midland Atlantic Development submitted a proposal in partnership with the Kroger Company. The proposal calls for a 76,000-sq.-ft. grocery store with a gas station and two additional 10,000-sq.-ft. retail buildings. City of Dayton Economic Development staff will negotiate a development agreement with Midland Atlantic to finalize the terms of the Wayne and Wyoming project. These discussions will include establishment of a site plan for the project. City staff expect the proposal to be formally presented to the Dayton City Commission for approval early next year.
Midland Atlantic has constructed more than four million square feet of space throughout the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic regions, which includes an impressive list of successful retail developments. Their projects have included large mixed-use projects, power centers, neighborhood retail, and free-standing build-to-suit developments.
The project is based on the City of Dayton’s 1999 long-range plan, CitiPlan 20/20. The plan calls for concentrating commercial activity at strategic locations, known as clusters or nodes, in order to increase economic benefits to the community. The City hopes to build upon other successes in the area, including new Family Video and Family Dollar stores, CoCo’s restaurant, and the University of Dayton expansion.
For further information, contact Keith Klein, Senior Development Specialist, at 333-3812. Media inquiries should be directed to Gwen Eberly, Acting Economic Development Director, at 333-3805.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Special Investment Districts
I am looking into the details of establishing Walnut Hills as a “Special Investment District” or a “Community Investment District” after reading an article on page 180 of the October edition of Better Homes and Gardens magazine. From what I can tell, no one has attempted to establish a residential investment district in Dayton and possibly in Ohio. Downtown Dayton and Canton have Business Investment Districts and the Dayton one is affiliated with the Downtown Dayton Partnership.
Effectively, we agree to impose a special tax on ourselves. I am thinking along the lines of $50 per structure per year. The money is collected by the county as part of your real estate tax bill and put into its own separate fund. The money can ONLY be spent in Walnut Hills for the Walnut Hills community. It can be used to support the park, improve sidewalks and alleys and even for festivals within the neighborhood. I would like to find out if the money can be used to increase police presence and to demolish vacant nuisance structures. Although the city or county has custody of the funds, they do not decide how it is spent or who gets it. The residents have that authority through a board of trustees.
In order for the tax to take effect, a petition must be signed by 60% of the property owners within the proposed district agreeing to the tax. The tax is in effect for 5 years and to renew it the petition process must be repeated.
I don't have all the details yet and I am trying to get copies of the Downtown Dayton paperwork to use as a model. If we run with this concept it will still take two years before anything happens because real estate taxes are collected one year in arrears and it will take a few months to get the petition and paperwork finalized. Realize this, though, if there are 2000 structures in the neighborhood the tax would raise $100,000 that can only be spent in Walnut Hills. If you have attended the neighborhood meetings in the last few months then you would have heard me say on several occasions that the time has come where we have to take care of ourselves. The city does not have the money to support the services that they should provide and Walnut Hills is nowhere on their radar screen. Although it will cost all of us, this is one tool that we can use to make our neighborhood the best one in Dayton to live in. If we don't use it then we are paying a higher price individually through crime, vandalism and reduced property values. I would rather attempt this and fail, then not attempt it at all. We can blaze a trail for other neighborhoods to follow.
I am looking into the details of establishing Walnut Hills as a “Special Investment District” or a “Community Investment District” after reading an article on page 180 of the October edition of Better Homes and Gardens magazine. From what I can tell, no one has attempted to establish a residential investment district in Dayton and possibly in Ohio. Downtown Dayton and Canton have Business Investment Districts and the Dayton one is affiliated with the Downtown Dayton Partnership.
Effectively, we agree to impose a special tax on ourselves. I am thinking along the lines of $50 per structure per year. The money is collected by the county as part of your real estate tax bill and put into its own separate fund. The money can ONLY be spent in Walnut Hills for the Walnut Hills community. It can be used to support the park, improve sidewalks and alleys and even for festivals within the neighborhood. I would like to find out if the money can be used to increase police presence and to demolish vacant nuisance structures. Although the city or county has custody of the funds, they do not decide how it is spent or who gets it. The residents have that authority through a board of trustees.
In order for the tax to take effect, a petition must be signed by 60% of the property owners within the proposed district agreeing to the tax. The tax is in effect for 5 years and to renew it the petition process must be repeated.
I don't have all the details yet and I am trying to get copies of the Downtown Dayton paperwork to use as a model. If we run with this concept it will still take two years before anything happens because real estate taxes are collected one year in arrears and it will take a few months to get the petition and paperwork finalized. Realize this, though, if there are 2000 structures in the neighborhood the tax would raise $100,000 that can only be spent in Walnut Hills. If you have attended the neighborhood meetings in the last few months then you would have heard me say on several occasions that the time has come where we have to take care of ourselves. The city does not have the money to support the services that they should provide and Walnut Hills is nowhere on their radar screen. Although it will cost all of us, this is one tool that we can use to make our neighborhood the best one in Dayton to live in. If we don't use it then we are paying a higher price individually through crime, vandalism and reduced property values. I would rather attempt this and fail, then not attempt it at all. We can blaze a trail for other neighborhoods to follow.
Neighborhood Cookbook Idea
We are considering putting a neighborhood cookbook together as a fund raising vehicle for next year. Besides recipes it will be filled with the old trivia captions from the newsletters and possibly old photos taken in the neighborhood. If you would like to contribute your favorite recipe or have additional ideas for this project, contact Chad Snoke at 258-2392.
Wayne and Wyoming Development Meeting
There will be a public meeting on Monday November 13th at 6 pm at the Southeast Dayton Priority Board Offices located at 2160 East Fifth Street to discuss the proposed development of the new Kroger store in Twin Towers neighborhood. A representative from Midland Atlantic Development will be present to answer questions.
Annual Thanksgiving Dinner
The "Free" Thanksgiving Dinner is open to residents of Walnut Hills and will be on Tuesday, November 21st from 6:30-8:30 PM. We are planning a great evening of food and getting our community together at this special time of year. Home delivered meals are available for the elderly and physically disabled of the Walnut Hills Area. Requests but must be received by Sunday, November 19th. If you would like to volunteer, make a donation or arrange for a meal to be delivered please call 254-7522.
Rock KidsChurch is a part of Church On the Rock located at 321 Edgar Ave., between Wayne and Wyoming Ave.
Rock KidsChurch is a part of Church On the Rock located at 321 Edgar Ave., between Wayne and Wyoming Ave.
Computer Raffle
This year’s raffle will be for a personal computer. We are looking at the availability of different systems. Once purchased, a full description will be included in the December newsletter. The computer system should be valued somewhere in the region of $450 - $500. The tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5 and are available from the Association officers listed and the committee chairpersons. The drawing is scheduled to be held on Monday, January 8th, 2007 at the neighborhood meeting.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Neighborhood Presentation
The University of Dayton offers a course in community leadership and Walnut Hills was chosen as their project neighborhood this year. On Wednesday October 11th the students will make a presentation of their work so far and I'm sure they would like many people to attend. The presentation will be made at 10 Wilmington Place at 6:30 PM and should be over by 8:00 PM. I don't know what they have in store for us but it could be informative.
Daylight Savings Time ends on October 29th. You need to set your clocks back one hour and change the batteries in your smoke alarm.
We participate in this program which involves collecting trash and debris along Wyoming Ave at Highland Park to Wayne Ave. This will take place on Saturday October 14th. Volunteers should meet at Highland Park (Wyoming and Steve Whalen Blvd.) at 11:00 AM. Children are welcome but need a parent or guardian present. If we have enough people we will pick up the trash on Wayne Ave as well. The Pizza Factory will be providing pizza for participants at the end of the route. This is a fun event. Come and meet some of your neighbors!
To volunteer, call Mike Schommer at 256-2516
To volunteer, call Mike Schommer at 256-2516
Credit where it is due
This year we have managed to do quite alot as a neighborhood association but it wouldn’t be possible without the help of the people who volunteer their time. Besides the people named on the front of this newsletter as officers of the Walnut Hills Association, the list below includes those people who helped with the Wyoming Theater project, the Alley sweep and the organization of the Yard Sale this year. In many cases these same people have been involved in all the projects. I may have missed a few but here it goes;
Josh and Krissy Mayes, Ben and Sarah Abernethy, Mike Baker, Mary Lou Fricke, Gayle Goree, Laura Bonnorra, David Sparks, Gail Dafler, Bob Snider, Mario Gallin, Mitch Kearns, Mike Schommer, Robert Lipps, Sunshine Stevens, Everett Miller, Eric and Jenny Coleman, Deborah Cool-Llorens and Marjorie Vaudnais
Besides these people Barb Eckley and Judy Mangus have been instrumental in getting newsletters out to the 40 or so people who distribute them to your door.
If there is anyone interested in producing this newsletter each month, call Gary 253-1359
Josh and Krissy Mayes, Ben and Sarah Abernethy, Mike Baker, Mary Lou Fricke, Gayle Goree, Laura Bonnorra, David Sparks, Gail Dafler, Bob Snider, Mario Gallin, Mitch Kearns, Mike Schommer, Robert Lipps, Sunshine Stevens, Everett Miller, Eric and Jenny Coleman, Deborah Cool-Llorens and Marjorie Vaudnais
Besides these people Barb Eckley and Judy Mangus have been instrumental in getting newsletters out to the 40 or so people who distribute them to your door.
If there is anyone interested in producing this newsletter each month, call Gary 253-1359
Health Fair
The Southeast Dayton Priority Board located at 2160 E. Fifth Street, is hosting a Health Fair on Friday October 20th between 1 PM and 3 PM. There will be approx. 100 Flu shots available on a first come, first served basis for people over 18 years old. Information will also be available for Medicare Part D , Red Cross, Disaster preparedness and Family Services.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Yard Sale Follow up
The yard sale was a huge success. There were 65 households signed up for the event and another 20 or so that jumped in at the last minute. We had people visiting from as far away as Cleveland to the check out the sales. We learned a great deal from the event. Those streets with the greatest number of participants were teaming with activity while those with one or two locations saw less traffic. We also discovered who wasn’t receiving this newsletter! The ultimate success was having people walking around the neighborhood. Whether they were residents or visitors they got to see what kind of neighborhood we all live in! We plan on doing this again next year. Some have suggested doing it in the spring. If you want to be involved in the organization of this event, come to the fund raising meeting now held on the last Thursday of every month at the East Branch Library on Wyoming Ave at 6:30 PM. Otherwise you will have to read about it here!
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Neighborhood Yard Sale Plans
CLICK HERE to see the current map and official list of participating residents. This will be updated every few days as more locations are added.
Otherwise this will be the last notification that you will get before the scheduled day, which is still September 9th, 2006. If you wish to be identified as a yard/garage sale location on the handout map and benefit from association advertising of the event, then you need to contact the following people this week and submit your name and address. Residents living west of Illinois should contact Gail on her cell phone at 423-0422, while those between Pursell and Indiana Avenue should call Sarah at 252-2210. The fee is $5.00 payable to Walnut Hills Association and will be used to offset costs of promoting the event. Don't wait until the last minute to call. When we know who the participants are, then some balloons or banners can be left at each participating location for identification purposes on the big day. Remember anyone can have his or her own sale on this day but we won't know who you are and therefore can't help you with promotion. The idea is to make this an annual event so it is very important that it is successful this year!
Any business owners should consider doing sidewalk sales on this day and it may be a good day to have an open house. An information station is planned in the parking lot of Family Video on Wayne Ave. They should be having a sidewalk sale on that day.
It would be great if we could advertise over 100 locations! If you don't want to hold a sale and you want to donate items to be sold at the planned information locations, call Chad at 258-2392. Check for additional details.
Otherwise this will be the last notification that you will get before the scheduled day, which is still September 9th, 2006. If you wish to be identified as a yard/garage sale location on the handout map and benefit from association advertising of the event, then you need to contact the following people this week and submit your name and address. Residents living west of Illinois should contact Gail on her cell phone at 423-0422, while those between Pursell and Indiana Avenue should call Sarah at 252-2210. The fee is $5.00 payable to Walnut Hills Association and will be used to offset costs of promoting the event. Don't wait until the last minute to call. When we know who the participants are, then some balloons or banners can be left at each participating location for identification purposes on the big day. Remember anyone can have his or her own sale on this day but we won't know who you are and therefore can't help you with promotion. The idea is to make this an annual event so it is very important that it is successful this year!
Any business owners should consider doing sidewalk sales on this day and it may be a good day to have an open house. An information station is planned in the parking lot of Family Video on Wayne Ave. They should be having a sidewalk sale on that day.
It would be great if we could advertise over 100 locations! If you don't want to hold a sale and you want to donate items to be sold at the planned information locations, call Chad at 258-2392. Check for additional details.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
More Graffiti Photos
I had difficulty adding these to the main Graffiti post. The same applies. Let's catch these twerps! Maybe we can get them to clean it all up!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Graffiti On The Increase
There is an increasing amount of graffiti appearing around Wayne Ave and along Wyoming Ave. If you see graffiti you can report it online at
The person doing it is leaving their "tag" and should be able to track down if anyone knows who the people are. If you know who is doing the graffiti you can post their name and remain anonymous and it will be forwarded to the police. I'm sure the person doing the "tagging" is new to the neighborhood and based on their behavior, won't remain here too long. In the meantime we have to deal with their behavioral disorder! Let us know if you know who uses these tags.
The person doing it is leaving their "tag" and should be able to track down if anyone knows who the people are. If you know who is doing the graffiti you can post their name and remain anonymous and it will be forwarded to the police. I'm sure the person doing the "tagging" is new to the neighborhood and based on their behavior, won't remain here too long. In the meantime we have to deal with their behavioral disorder! Let us know if you know who uses these tags.

Drinking in the park
Every week it seems that people are drinking alcohol in the park at dark and are leaving their empty cases and containers lying around for others to clean up. This has gone on for years and is hard to police. If caught, the penalty is a ticket and a fine. The problem really isn't the drinking or vandalism, which is quite minimal. The problem is that glass bottles are being broken in the shelter and the glass gets tracked into the playing area where children visit every day.
In case you weren't aware, both alcohol and glass containers are prohibited in public parks. So that everyone is aware of the rules, I have asked several times for bi-lingual signs to be posted at the park but it seems that the department directors at the city have other ideas or aren't hearing me.
While we cannot condone the activity that seems to happen up there, we can ask for polite consideration for the other neighborhood people who visit the park. Please, properly dispose of containers, or if the garbage cans are full then take the containers home and dispose of them there. I suspect the people breaking the bottles are not the same as those drinking their contents but one is leading to the other. This is one of those cases where a small handful of people ruin the enjoyment for everybody.
If you are visiting the park and feel it is within your power to pick up some of the trash, feel free to do so. This is OUR park and is an asset that we shouldn't be prepared to lose to a small group of teenage thugs or bullies who in a few short years will no longer be smarter than their adult contemporaries!
In case you weren't aware, both alcohol and glass containers are prohibited in public parks. So that everyone is aware of the rules, I have asked several times for bi-lingual signs to be posted at the park but it seems that the department directors at the city have other ideas or aren't hearing me.
While we cannot condone the activity that seems to happen up there, we can ask for polite consideration for the other neighborhood people who visit the park. Please, properly dispose of containers, or if the garbage cans are full then take the containers home and dispose of them there. I suspect the people breaking the bottles are not the same as those drinking their contents but one is leading to the other. This is one of those cases where a small handful of people ruin the enjoyment for everybody.
If you are visiting the park and feel it is within your power to pick up some of the trash, feel free to do so. This is OUR park and is an asset that we shouldn't be prepared to lose to a small group of teenage thugs or bullies who in a few short years will no longer be smarter than their adult contemporaries!
Walnut Hills participates in the "Adopt-an-Area' program. Our area being Wyoming Ave from Highland Park to Wayne Ave. Twice a year volunteers pick up the litter and debris along this stretch of road. The next date for this event is October 14th. More details will be in the October newsletter. To volunteer, call Mike Schommer at 256-2516
Soccer in the park
Soccer in Walnut Hills Park is scheduled to begin after September 11th, 2006. The date was not confirmed at the time of this printing. It is for ages 4-9 and will operate in a similar way to the T-Ball program this summer with a practice and a game every week. If you would like to register your children or volunteer to participate in the program, call Theresa Wendell at 259-1898
Saturday, August 05, 2006
A resident contacted me to report that the driver of a white Chevy pickup with the plate # DBL 4181 was witnessed pulling aluminum downspouts off of garages and putting them in the back of their truck. If you see this vehicle you may want to watch what the occupant(s) are doing.
Alley Sweep and Park Picnic!
The alley sweep is scheduled for Saturday, August 26th. The city assigns two garbage trucks to travel up and down all the alleys while volunteers walk behind the trucks picking up trash and debris. There is also a tire truck and a metal collection truck that runs through the neighborhood but no volunteers are needed for them.
We will begin at 9 AM at the Church on the Rock located at 321 Edgar Ave. I need at least 8 volunteers to walk behind the trucks. Once again this will NOT be an additional opportunity to put out bulk waste. Any trash that appears to be for bulk pick up will be left in place. We cannot afford to fill up these trucks with items that should be scheduled for pick- up on the 17th or 31st of August with the city's regular schedule. (Call 333-8774 to schedule your bulk pick up). Everyone can help in a small way. We can clean the alleys but I would like everyone reading this (whether you live in Walnut Hills or not) to go out their front door and pick up the trash and litter in front of your house on that morning. Traditionally we feed the volunteers lunch. This year, since there are supplies left from the July 4th picnic, we will have another picnic in the park starting at 1 PM. We have already made provisions for a grill! If you have never ventured to the park, this would be a good day to go.
We will begin at 9 AM at the Church on the Rock located at 321 Edgar Ave. I need at least 8 volunteers to walk behind the trucks. Once again this will NOT be an additional opportunity to put out bulk waste. Any trash that appears to be for bulk pick up will be left in place. We cannot afford to fill up these trucks with items that should be scheduled for pick- up on the 17th or 31st of August with the city's regular schedule. (Call 333-8774 to schedule your bulk pick up). Everyone can help in a small way. We can clean the alleys but I would like everyone reading this (whether you live in Walnut Hills or not) to go out their front door and pick up the trash and litter in front of your house on that morning. Traditionally we feed the volunteers lunch. This year, since there are supplies left from the July 4th picnic, we will have another picnic in the park starting at 1 PM. We have already made provisions for a grill! If you have never ventured to the park, this would be a good day to go.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Dayton Activates Heat Emergency Plan
Release Date: Tuesday, August 1, 2006
Contact: Lt. David Wright, Dayton Fire Department, 333-4536
As a result of the heat advisory issued by the Montgomery County Combined Health District, the City of Dayton has activated its Heat Emergency Plan to help area residents escape the excessively hot temperatures. Residents should take immediate action to protect themselves from the dangerously high temperatures. Families and neighbors are also asked to check on elderly residents and other at-risk individuals. The City’s Heat Emergency Plan will be in place for as long as a heat advisory warning is in effect for Montgomery County.
As part of its Heat Emergency Plan, the City of Dayton has designated its recreation centers as “cooling centers” during regular business hours. City personnel will monitor the situation and may extend the hours of operation according to the need and demand for their use. If necessary, EMS personnel may check conditions at the City’s cooling centers and offer assistance as needed. Fire and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) units are also equipped and ready to treat heat-related illnesses.
The following locations have been designated as public cooling centers:
City of Dayton Recreation & Youth Services facilities, including pools.
Bomberger Teen Center, 1306 E. Fifth St.
Lohrey Recreation Center and Belmont Pool, 2366 Glenarm Ave.
Northwest Recreation Center and Dabney Pool, 1600 Princeton Dr.
Burkhardt Recreation Center, 215 Burkhardt Ave.
Richard A. Ellison Senior Citizens Center, 2412 W. Third St.
Stuart Patterson Recreation Center, 238 Baltimore St.
Westwood Recreation Center, 611 Leland Ave.
Riverbend Art Center, 1301 E. Siebenthaler Ave.
RTA Hubs
South: 2730 Lyons Rd.
North: 2075 Shiloh Springs Rd.
West: Westown Shopping Center
East: Eastown Shopping Center
Downtown: Wright Stop Plaza, 4 S. Main Street
For more information on the City of Dayton’s Heat Emergency Plan, contact Lt. David Wright at 333-4536.
Reminders for Dealing with Excessive Heat
Use air conditioners or spend time in air-conditioned locations, such as malls or libraries.
Use portable electric fans to exhaust hot air from rooms or draw in cooler air.
Take a cool bath or shower.
Minimize direct exposure to the sun.
Stay hydrated – regularly drink water or other non-alcoholic fluids.
Eat light, cool, easy-to-digest foods, such as fruits or salads.
Wear loose fitting, light-colored clothes.
Check on older, sick or frail people who may need help in responding to the heat.
Know the symptoms of excessive heat exposure and the appropriate responses.
Direct the flow of portable electric fans toward yourself when the room temperature is hotter than 90 degrees.
Leave children and pets alone in cars for any amount of time.
Drink alcohol to try to stay cool.
Eat heavy, hot or hard-to-digest foods.
Wear heavy, dark clothing.
Release Date: Tuesday, August 1, 2006
Contact: Lt. David Wright, Dayton Fire Department, 333-4536
As a result of the heat advisory issued by the Montgomery County Combined Health District, the City of Dayton has activated its Heat Emergency Plan to help area residents escape the excessively hot temperatures. Residents should take immediate action to protect themselves from the dangerously high temperatures. Families and neighbors are also asked to check on elderly residents and other at-risk individuals. The City’s Heat Emergency Plan will be in place for as long as a heat advisory warning is in effect for Montgomery County.
As part of its Heat Emergency Plan, the City of Dayton has designated its recreation centers as “cooling centers” during regular business hours. City personnel will monitor the situation and may extend the hours of operation according to the need and demand for their use. If necessary, EMS personnel may check conditions at the City’s cooling centers and offer assistance as needed. Fire and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) units are also equipped and ready to treat heat-related illnesses.
The following locations have been designated as public cooling centers:
City of Dayton Recreation & Youth Services facilities, including pools.
Bomberger Teen Center, 1306 E. Fifth St.
Lohrey Recreation Center and Belmont Pool, 2366 Glenarm Ave.
Northwest Recreation Center and Dabney Pool, 1600 Princeton Dr.
Burkhardt Recreation Center, 215 Burkhardt Ave.
Richard A. Ellison Senior Citizens Center, 2412 W. Third St.
Stuart Patterson Recreation Center, 238 Baltimore St.
Westwood Recreation Center, 611 Leland Ave.
Riverbend Art Center, 1301 E. Siebenthaler Ave.
RTA Hubs
South: 2730 Lyons Rd.
North: 2075 Shiloh Springs Rd.
West: Westown Shopping Center
East: Eastown Shopping Center
Downtown: Wright Stop Plaza, 4 S. Main Street
For more information on the City of Dayton’s Heat Emergency Plan, contact Lt. David Wright at 333-4536.
Reminders for Dealing with Excessive Heat
Use air conditioners or spend time in air-conditioned locations, such as malls or libraries.
Use portable electric fans to exhaust hot air from rooms or draw in cooler air.
Take a cool bath or shower.
Minimize direct exposure to the sun.
Stay hydrated – regularly drink water or other non-alcoholic fluids.
Eat light, cool, easy-to-digest foods, such as fruits or salads.
Wear loose fitting, light-colored clothes.
Check on older, sick or frail people who may need help in responding to the heat.
Know the symptoms of excessive heat exposure and the appropriate responses.
Direct the flow of portable electric fans toward yourself when the room temperature is hotter than 90 degrees.
Leave children and pets alone in cars for any amount of time.
Drink alcohol to try to stay cool.
Eat heavy, hot or hard-to-digest foods.
Wear heavy, dark clothing.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Southeast Priority Board Sponsors Law & Order Forum
Release Date: Monday, July 31, 2006
Contact: Paula Powers, Southeast Priority Board Coordinator, 333-7379
The public is invited to attend a “Law and Order Forum” organized and sponsored by the Southeast Priority Board and the City’s Division of Citizen Participation. The Forum will be held Thursday August 3, 2006 at the Lohrey Center, located at 2366 Glenarm Avenue. The Forum will begin promptly at 7:00 p.m.
The Southeast Priority Board will ask prepared questions of panelists from the City of Dayton and from Montgomery County. Panelists include representatives from the Police and Sheriff’s departments, the City and County Prosecutor’s offices, and judges from the Municipal and Common Pleas courts. Questions will address such issues as appropriate jail space, tougher laws, stricter sentencing, police staffing levels, more aggressive prosecutions, etc.
City and County Commissioners have been invited as special guests. The outcome sought by the Southeast Priority Board is for the City and County governments to collaborate more closely toward a series of improvements to our community’s system of law and order.
For additional information, contact Southeast Priority Board Coordinator Paula Powers, at 333-7379.
Contact: Paula Powers, Southeast Priority Board Coordinator, 333-7379
The public is invited to attend a “Law and Order Forum” organized and sponsored by the Southeast Priority Board and the City’s Division of Citizen Participation. The Forum will be held Thursday August 3, 2006 at the Lohrey Center, located at 2366 Glenarm Avenue. The Forum will begin promptly at 7:00 p.m.
The Southeast Priority Board will ask prepared questions of panelists from the City of Dayton and from Montgomery County. Panelists include representatives from the Police and Sheriff’s departments, the City and County Prosecutor’s offices, and judges from the Municipal and Common Pleas courts. Questions will address such issues as appropriate jail space, tougher laws, stricter sentencing, police staffing levels, more aggressive prosecutions, etc.
City and County Commissioners have been invited as special guests. The outcome sought by the Southeast Priority Board is for the City and County governments to collaborate more closely toward a series of improvements to our community’s system of law and order.
For additional information, contact Southeast Priority Board Coordinator Paula Powers, at 333-7379.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Neighborhood Yard Sale Plans
We are starting to get interest in the neighborhood yard sale scheduled for September 9th. If you would like to participate and be identified on the official map, the fee is $5 payable to the Walnut Hills Association. Residents living north of Illinois should contact Gail at 423-0422, while those between Pursell and Indiana Avenue should call Sarah at 252-2210. Please leave your name and address. Full details will be presented in next month's newsletter. Don't wait until the last minute to call. I can start promoting this event now and we need a little time to produce the maps and flyers. It would be great if we could advertise over 100 locations! If you want to donate items to be sold at the planned information locations, call Chad at 258-2392.
Alley Sweep
We have been granted an alley sweep by the City and have scheduled it for Saturday, August 26th. I need 8 volunteers to help with this event. The last one covered the entire neighborhood, and was completed by
1 PM. We should be able to expect similar results this summer. Maybe we can end it with another park picnic! More details will be posted in the next newsletter. Call Gary to volunteer 253-1359.
1 PM. We should be able to expect similar results this summer. Maybe we can end it with another park picnic! More details will be posted in the next newsletter. Call Gary to volunteer 253-1359.
The Summer Park Program is in full swing and continues until July 28th. Free lunches are served at 1:15 PM on weekdays to all the children courtesy of Dayton Public Schools and we would certainly like to see more people using this service. Lunch is provided regardless of weather. There is staff in the park between 10 AM and 2 PM Monday to Friday for activities. T-Ball at 4:30 on Wednesday afternoon has produced great results and rumor has it that there will be soccer in the fall!
On the last day of the program, July 28th, the city will bring out their climbing wall and erect it in the park for the entire day. So don't let your children sit around all morning complaining that there is nothing to do, send them to the park to play!
On the last day of the program, July 28th, the city will bring out their climbing wall and erect it in the park for the entire day. So don't let your children sit around all morning complaining that there is nothing to do, send them to the park to play!
Law and Order Forum
Mark your calendars for Thursday, August 3rd at 7 PM. The Southeast Dayton Priority Board is hosting a Law and Order Forum to be held at the Lohrey Center on Glenarm Road in Belmont. Members from the City of Dayton and the County legal system will be present. The purpose is to discuss and answer questions regarding the way our local police, prosecutors, judges and appointed officials view the logistics of the legal system, and to get them thinking about ways to correct any perceived flaws. If you think Dayton can improve its petty crime statistics, and if you believe a jail for misdemeanor crimes could be part of the solution, then you really need to come to this public meeting. You will be presented with some interesting and shocking statistics.
Mayors Walk
The Mayor will be visiting Walnut Hills on Monday July 17th for one of her scheduled walks. The walk will begin at Walgreen's located at the corner of Wayne and Wyoming Avenues at 5:30 PM. It will proceed up Wayne Ave to Utah Court, then to Gunckel Ave. From Gunckel it will proceed to Missouri Ave then to Wyoming Ave and back to Walgreen's.
These walks last about 2 hours. Residents are encouraged to participate. Members from other city departments will be present during the walk to deal with any questions or issues that arise during the event.
These walks last about 2 hours. Residents are encouraged to participate. Members from other city departments will be present during the walk to deal with any questions or issues that arise during the event.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Park Program and T-Ball in the Park
The Summer Park Program and the Co-ed T-Ball program start on Monday June 19th. The Park Program is 10:00AM to 2:00PM Monday through Friday and is open to any child who shows up.
The T-Ball Program is for age groups 4-5 years and 6-7 years. Teams will have a half hour of practice followed by a half hour of games. To sign up your child, call Theresa Wendell at 259-1898.
We still need some volunteers to help with both programs. Call Theresa if you wish to be a volunteer or if you would like to sponsor a craft or educational event that can be incorporated into this program. This is another thing we would like to get better each year!
The T-Ball Program is for age groups 4-5 years and 6-7 years. Teams will have a half hour of practice followed by a half hour of games. To sign up your child, call Theresa Wendell at 259-1898.
We still need some volunteers to help with both programs. Call Theresa if you wish to be a volunteer or if you would like to sponsor a craft or educational event that can be incorporated into this program. This is another thing we would like to get better each year!
Neighborhood Yard Sale Plans
This idea has been discussed and a date has been set for September 9th, 2006. We are still in the planning stages for this event and are willing to expand on it in future years to include open houses and garden tours but for now the concept for this is simple. Everyone is encouraged to have his or her own yard or garage sale. The Walnut Hills Association will publish an official map showing yard sale locations and publish this on a web page and distribute flyers through the libraries and any other means. We will also advertise the event. If you wish to be identified on the map, the fee is $5.00. This will offset the costs of maps and advertising.
The neighborhood will be divided into sections. The lower section from the Wayne/Wyoming triangle up to Illinois Ave has enough volunteers to organize and attend a starting/information station at the Family Video parking lot. If you live in this section and want to participate, call Gail at 253-9041.
We would like to expand this event to have another station at the Ohmer Park Church if possible but need 5 or 6 people to organize this section and attend the station. If you live between Indiana Ave and Pursell Ave and would like to participate or help, contact Sarah at 252-2210. We need two or three people to organize the section on the west side of Wayne Ave if people would like to participate in that area, call Gail at the number above.
If you don't want to have a yard sale, but would prefer to donate your items to the Association, you can. These items will be sold at the two stations and the proceeds will go towards the Walnut Hills Association. Any items that are not sold will be given to a local church or Goodwill after the event. If anyone would like to assist with the planning of this event call Gail at 253-9041 or Chad at 258-2392.
The neighborhood will be divided into sections. The lower section from the Wayne/Wyoming triangle up to Illinois Ave has enough volunteers to organize and attend a starting/information station at the Family Video parking lot. If you live in this section and want to participate, call Gail at 253-9041.
We would like to expand this event to have another station at the Ohmer Park Church if possible but need 5 or 6 people to organize this section and attend the station. If you live between Indiana Ave and Pursell Ave and would like to participate or help, contact Sarah at 252-2210. We need two or three people to organize the section on the west side of Wayne Ave if people would like to participate in that area, call Gail at the number above.
If you don't want to have a yard sale, but would prefer to donate your items to the Association, you can. These items will be sold at the two stations and the proceeds will go towards the Walnut Hills Association. Any items that are not sold will be given to a local church or Goodwill after the event. If anyone would like to assist with the planning of this event call Gail at 253-9041 or Chad at 258-2392.
Summer Reading Program
The summer reading program kicks off with Family Pajama time on Tuesday June 6th at 6:30 PM. Events are; Tuesdays - Pajama time at 6:30 PM. Wednesdays - Toddler time at 9:30 AM, Story time at 10:30 AM. Thursdays - Crafts and games at 10:00 AM. This years theme is from "Giggle, Giggle, Quack" by Doreen Cronin. The Library is located at 2008 Wyoming Ave. Come and enjoy the fun!
Neighborhood Crime Deterrent Plans
Eric Jones made a presentation at the last meeting offering to establish a crime deterrent service for those areas of the neighborhood where he could gain adequate support from residents. He is willing to do nightly patrols to deter petty crime and illicit activity but cannot be a security service. His concept was a compensated form of neighborhood watch. If enough people on an individual street were willing to pay $5.00 a month ($60.00 year) and it were economically viable for him to establish this as a business then he could start later this year.
If every household in the neighborhood was willing to subscribe to such a service it would generate enough revenue that we could have more effective security and possibly better police response as a result. Certainly worth considering.
For details or information, call Eric at 673-8585.
If every household in the neighborhood was willing to subscribe to such a service it would generate enough revenue that we could have more effective security and possibly better police response as a result. Certainly worth considering.
For details or information, call Eric at 673-8585.
4th July Picnic
Mark your calendars for Tuesday July 4th for our first Annual Picnic in the Park! We have notified the city that we would like to use the park on this day between noon and 6:00PM for a neighborhood picnic. So, if you plan to have company that day, just bring them up to the park and bring a covered dish or two! Since this hasn't been tried before there is no indication of how many people will attend. If it is anything like the Easter Egg hunt though, then we should be able to expect around 100 people. The plan is that the neighborhood association will provide some hamburgers and hot dogs but you may want to bring some of your own and a grill if you plan to arrive late. The idea is to make this event bigger and better each year.
If anyone would like to entertain the children with traditional games like bean-bag, egg and spoon or three-legged races for an hour or two feel free to bring along the items needed. We may be able to give some prizes to the winners!
This is an attempt to create an ongoing sense of community. The only difficulty we face is having a large enough grill to cook all the meat. If anyone can help or has any ideas, call Gary at 253-1359.
If anyone would like to entertain the children with traditional games like bean-bag, egg and spoon or three-legged races for an hour or two feel free to bring along the items needed. We may be able to give some prizes to the winners!
This is an attempt to create an ongoing sense of community. The only difficulty we face is having a large enough grill to cook all the meat. If anyone can help or has any ideas, call Gary at 253-1359.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Amnesty Offered During Building Safety Week
Release Date: Monday, May 1, 2006
Contact: Bill Nelson, Director of Building Services, 333-3883
The City of Dayton will be joining other communities around the world in celebrating Building Safety Week from May 7-13.
Building Safety Week raises public awareness of building safety and promotes the use, enforcement and understanding of building safety and fire prevention codes to protect lives and property. The theme of this year’s Building Safety Week is “Building a Safer World Together”.
As part of the recognition, Dayton’s Department of Building Services, Division of Housing Inspection will offer amnesty to property owners who failed to register their rental structures within 90 days of ownership. The $50 fee per rental structure will be waived during Building Safety Week, May 7-13 only. All residential properties that are not owner-occupied are required to be registered with the City of Dayton’s Division of Housing Inspection. The rental registration forms are available in the Housing Inspection office and online at the City of Dayton’s web site at
“During Building Safety Week, I encourage the public to stop by our offices at the One Stop Center, 371 West Second Street to learn more about the work that the Building Services Department does,” said Bill Nelson, Director of the Department of Building Services.
“Building code enforcement is the job of professionals who work right here in the City of Dayton,” Nelson said. “Inspectors, plan reviewers and others in our department work to ensure that the structures you and your families live, work, and play in are safe by issuing building permits and inspecting buildings during and after construction.”
Nelson added, “Our department is using Building Safety Week to educate the community about the importance of obtaining proper permits and also registering non owner-occupied rental properties. It is an opportunity to increase public awareness of the role that building safety and fire prevention officials, local and state building departments, and federal agencies play on the front line of defense to protect lives and property. They are the ‘silent defenders’ who are seldom seen but work daily to ensure safety in the built environment.”
“We encourage people to come in and inform our staff at the front desk that you are here to take advantage of the amnesty,” Nelson said.
Building Safety Week, first observed in 1980, is sponsored by the International Code Council Foundation, an organization dedicated to changing the devastating effects of natural disasters and other building tragedies at home and around the world. The International Code Council is an association that develops building safety and fire prevention codes that are used in more than 15,000 jurisdictions across the nation.
For any building safety concerns, contact the Building Services Department at 333-3883. For housing registration questions, contact the Division of Housing Inspection at 333-3977.
Contact: Bill Nelson, Director of Building Services, 333-3883
The City of Dayton will be joining other communities around the world in celebrating Building Safety Week from May 7-13.
Building Safety Week raises public awareness of building safety and promotes the use, enforcement and understanding of building safety and fire prevention codes to protect lives and property. The theme of this year’s Building Safety Week is “Building a Safer World Together”.
As part of the recognition, Dayton’s Department of Building Services, Division of Housing Inspection will offer amnesty to property owners who failed to register their rental structures within 90 days of ownership. The $50 fee per rental structure will be waived during Building Safety Week, May 7-13 only. All residential properties that are not owner-occupied are required to be registered with the City of Dayton’s Division of Housing Inspection. The rental registration forms are available in the Housing Inspection office and online at the City of Dayton’s web site at
“During Building Safety Week, I encourage the public to stop by our offices at the One Stop Center, 371 West Second Street to learn more about the work that the Building Services Department does,” said Bill Nelson, Director of the Department of Building Services.
“Building code enforcement is the job of professionals who work right here in the City of Dayton,” Nelson said. “Inspectors, plan reviewers and others in our department work to ensure that the structures you and your families live, work, and play in are safe by issuing building permits and inspecting buildings during and after construction.”
Nelson added, “Our department is using Building Safety Week to educate the community about the importance of obtaining proper permits and also registering non owner-occupied rental properties. It is an opportunity to increase public awareness of the role that building safety and fire prevention officials, local and state building departments, and federal agencies play on the front line of defense to protect lives and property. They are the ‘silent defenders’ who are seldom seen but work daily to ensure safety in the built environment.”
“We encourage people to come in and inform our staff at the front desk that you are here to take advantage of the amnesty,” Nelson said.
Building Safety Week, first observed in 1980, is sponsored by the International Code Council Foundation, an organization dedicated to changing the devastating effects of natural disasters and other building tragedies at home and around the world. The International Code Council is an association that develops building safety and fire prevention codes that are used in more than 15,000 jurisdictions across the nation.
For any building safety concerns, contact the Building Services Department at 333-3883. For housing registration questions, contact the Division of Housing Inspection at 333-3977.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Received from a resident;
Walnut Hills in the News of Yesteryear.
My name is Shawna Woodard and I work at the main downtown Dayton Metro Library in the newspaper, genealogy, and local history section. Since I live in Walnut Hills I thought it might be interesting to jot down some Walnut Hills addresses when I came across them in the newspaper. I am working on a long term project of indexing obituaries, so what I have found so far is from the obituaries.
Feel free to come down to the main library and search the city directories for your address. You can see who lived in your house from 1916 to 2006. If you want to, you can then see if we have an obituary on a past resident. Also available are Sanborn Fire Insurance maps for 1918 and 1950. You can see the basic outline of your house, what kind of roof it had, how many windows, and what other houses are on the street next to it. If you have more questions, you can reach me at work in the magazines department at 227-9551.
Newspaper Date Page Story
Dayton Journal 25 Feb 1947 14 Obituary, Mrs. Helen C. Geiger, 19 Virginia Ave
Dayton Daily News 17 Dec 1951 27 Obituary, Else Clara Strunk, 903 Wayne Ave
DDN 19 Dec 1951 47 Obituary, C. Monroe Watson, 74, 1524 Wyoming St.
DDN 23 Dec 1951 Sec 3 p 6 Obituary, Henry J. Heinz, 85, 1406 Wyoming St.
DDN 26 Dec 1951 19 Obituary, Adelbert Van Horn, 80, 1032 Wayne Ave
DDN 27 Dec 1951 15 Obituary, Mary DeEsther Sims, 56, 31 Illinois Ave
DDN 30 Dec 1951 Sec 3 p 5 Obituary, Lenore Carey Bailey, 45 Gunkel Ave
DDN 31 Dec 1951 9 Obituary, Mary A. Moses, 147 Medford Street
DDN 1 Feb 1952 40 Obituary, Frank H. Meier of 15 Illinois Ave
DDN 2 Feb 1952 2 Obituary, Earl Wilson, 79, of 473 Wyoming St
DDN 2 Feb 1952 2 Obituary, Frank H. Meier, 72, of 15 Illinois Ave
DDN 5 Jan 1952 8 Obituary, Mrs. Augusta Drake, 1303 Wayne Ave
DDN 16 Mar 1952 Sec 2 p 6 Obituary, Mrs. Edith Daniel of 129 Illinois Ave, Daughter of Union Veterans
DDN 16 Feb 1952 2 Obituary, Mortie Henning, 64 Virginia Ave
DDN 17 Feb 1952 15 Obituary, John Ortman, 336 Nassau St.
DDN 18 Feb 1952 15 Obituary, Mrs. May Blanche Logan, 334 Wayne Ave.
DDN 28 Mar 1952 20 Obituary, Carl Fischer, age 60, of 214 Illinois Ave
DDN 28 Mar 1952 35:6 Information on the estate of Matthew S. Riley, grocer, of 261 Virginia Avenue, died Feb. 21
DDN 29 Mar 1952 2 obituary, Mrs. Dora Erisman of 731 Wyoming St., member of Colorado Avenue Baptist Church
DDN 31 Mar 1952 24 Obituary, Katherine V. Gray of 261 Virginia Ave
DDN 25 May 1953 21 Obituary, Charles W. Smiley, 9 Illinois Ave
DDN 2 Dec 1954 49 Obituary, Richard Counts, 354 Wyoming St.
DDN 6 Dec 1954 24 Obituary, Laura Mannington, 1140 Wyoming St.
DDN 12 Nov 1973 40 Obituary, Sara Alice Owen, 88, of 1101 Tip Top Ave.
My name is Shawna Woodard and I work at the main downtown Dayton Metro Library in the newspaper, genealogy, and local history section. Since I live in Walnut Hills I thought it might be interesting to jot down some Walnut Hills addresses when I came across them in the newspaper. I am working on a long term project of indexing obituaries, so what I have found so far is from the obituaries.
Feel free to come down to the main library and search the city directories for your address. You can see who lived in your house from 1916 to 2006. If you want to, you can then see if we have an obituary on a past resident. Also available are Sanborn Fire Insurance maps for 1918 and 1950. You can see the basic outline of your house, what kind of roof it had, how many windows, and what other houses are on the street next to it. If you have more questions, you can reach me at work in the magazines department at 227-9551.
Newspaper Date Page Story
Dayton Journal 25 Feb 1947 14 Obituary, Mrs. Helen C. Geiger, 19 Virginia Ave
Dayton Daily News 17 Dec 1951 27 Obituary, Else Clara Strunk, 903 Wayne Ave
DDN 19 Dec 1951 47 Obituary, C. Monroe Watson, 74, 1524 Wyoming St.
DDN 23 Dec 1951 Sec 3 p 6 Obituary, Henry J. Heinz, 85, 1406 Wyoming St.
DDN 26 Dec 1951 19 Obituary, Adelbert Van Horn, 80, 1032 Wayne Ave
DDN 27 Dec 1951 15 Obituary, Mary DeEsther Sims, 56, 31 Illinois Ave
DDN 30 Dec 1951 Sec 3 p 5 Obituary, Lenore Carey Bailey, 45 Gunkel Ave
DDN 31 Dec 1951 9 Obituary, Mary A. Moses, 147 Medford Street
DDN 1 Feb 1952 40 Obituary, Frank H. Meier of 15 Illinois Ave
DDN 2 Feb 1952 2 Obituary, Earl Wilson, 79, of 473 Wyoming St
DDN 2 Feb 1952 2 Obituary, Frank H. Meier, 72, of 15 Illinois Ave
DDN 5 Jan 1952 8 Obituary, Mrs. Augusta Drake, 1303 Wayne Ave
DDN 16 Mar 1952 Sec 2 p 6 Obituary, Mrs. Edith Daniel of 129 Illinois Ave, Daughter of Union Veterans
DDN 16 Feb 1952 2 Obituary, Mortie Henning, 64 Virginia Ave
DDN 17 Feb 1952 15 Obituary, John Ortman, 336 Nassau St.
DDN 18 Feb 1952 15 Obituary, Mrs. May Blanche Logan, 334 Wayne Ave.
DDN 28 Mar 1952 20 Obituary, Carl Fischer, age 60, of 214 Illinois Ave
DDN 28 Mar 1952 35:6 Information on the estate of Matthew S. Riley, grocer, of 261 Virginia Avenue, died Feb. 21
DDN 29 Mar 1952 2 obituary, Mrs. Dora Erisman of 731 Wyoming St., member of Colorado Avenue Baptist Church
DDN 31 Mar 1952 24 Obituary, Katherine V. Gray of 261 Virginia Ave
DDN 25 May 1953 21 Obituary, Charles W. Smiley, 9 Illinois Ave
DDN 2 Dec 1954 49 Obituary, Richard Counts, 354 Wyoming St.
DDN 6 Dec 1954 24 Obituary, Laura Mannington, 1140 Wyoming St.
DDN 12 Nov 1973 40 Obituary, Sara Alice Owen, 88, of 1101 Tip Top Ave.
Volunteers for t-ball
Volunteers are needed to help run a T-ball league in Walnut Hills Park this summer. Volunteers are also needed for the daily program activities. Please call Theresa Wendell at 259-1898.
Parking in the street
Every couple of years we have to inform our residents that parking in the streets is not exclusive to a property owner. The street is public domain and as such, anyone can park their vehicle on the street provided that there are no contrary provisions such as "No Parking" or a reserved spot for a disabled resident. You should show common courtesy though and not park an immobile vehicle in front of a neighbor's property because you then permanently deprive them of the opportunity to park in front of their own home. An immobile vehicle with valid tags can be towed after a few days if you contact the housing inspection office. Unlicensed vehicles or ones with expired plates can be towed immediately by calling the police department. Most people won't contact the police or housing inspection until an "abandoned" vehicle becomes a problem or an eyesore. So, if you need a few days to work on your car, park it in front of your own house and to avoid any wrong impressions keep your tires inflated. Otherwise, in a week or two someone will call to have it towed away.
Adopt-An-Area Volunteers
Mike Schommer would like Walnut Hills to participate in the "Adopt-an-Area" program. He is looking for a few volunteers to help with litter pick up starting at Highland Park and extending down Wyoming Ave to The Pizza Factory on Wayne Ave where Free pizza will be provided to the volunteers. Planned date for this event is Saturday May 13th. For specific details call Mike at 256-2516.
The East Dayton Vikings Football/Cheerleading
Will be having our first round of Sign-ups
When: 5/20/2006 1-4pm
Where: The Lohrey Center
These Sign-ups are for children entering 3rd, 4th 5th & 6th grades in the fall.
Cost: Is $75.00 per child due at registration time.
Contacts for Football:
Robert De Long 252-0311 (or leave a message)
Brian Cooper 259-0269 (or leave a message)
Lawrence “Buzz” Wallace 397-0603
Contacts for Cheerleading:
Cindy Shivadecker 902-2383
Nancy Cooper 259-0269 (or leave a message)
Will be having our first round of Sign-ups
When: 5/20/2006 1-4pm
Where: The Lohrey Center
These Sign-ups are for children entering 3rd, 4th 5th & 6th grades in the fall.
Cost: Is $75.00 per child due at registration time.
Contacts for Football:
Robert De Long 252-0311 (or leave a message)
Brian Cooper 259-0269 (or leave a message)
Lawrence “Buzz” Wallace 397-0603
Contacts for Cheerleading:
Cindy Shivadecker 902-2383
Nancy Cooper 259-0269 (or leave a message)
Grass and Yard Standards
As summer fast approaches, I have to ask you once again to play the role of a “good neighbor” by cutting the grass in the yards of vacant houses when it gets too long. If you lodge a complaint with the city, be aware that grass is mowed only in June and September. You are better off calling the housing inspector and asking them to write a ticket so the owner is fined. Have the inspector tell you when the ticket is issued, then cut the grass yourself. At least the owner will be held responsible for the monetary fine.
During the summer, the housing inspectors concentrate more on yard standards and will be looking for items such as:
* Indoor stuffed sofas on the porch (attract mice and cats like to spray them)
*Bushes growing in the right of ways or obstructing driving vision
*Motor vehicles on lawns or junked vehicles in yards
*Dog feces in yards that is not picked up regularly
Basically it is simple, be a considerate neighbor. If you don't offend others then they won't tell on you!
During the summer, the housing inspectors concentrate more on yard standards and will be looking for items such as:
* Indoor stuffed sofas on the porch (attract mice and cats like to spray them)
*Bushes growing in the right of ways or obstructing driving vision
*Motor vehicles on lawns or junked vehicles in yards
*Dog feces in yards that is not picked up regularly
Basically it is simple, be a considerate neighbor. If you don't offend others then they won't tell on you!
Monday, April 17, 2006
These cards were mailed out today...
APRIL 26, 2006
5 - 7 P.M.
There will be several proposals for modifications for the
Wayne/Wilmington/Stewart intersections on display.
These proposed plans were created from public input
solicited at a meeting held in February of this year.
Please attend, ask questions and voice your opinion.
For more information, please call the
Engineering Department at 333-3840
Monday, March 27, 2006
Saturday April 15, 2006
Breakfast served in the shelter from 10:30 AM to 11:45 AM
Easter Egg Hunt begins at NOON
Hey everybody, it's that time of year when those bunnies lay those funny colored eggs and leave them in our neighborhood park! We invite the local children to search for them. The Church on the Rock is providing breakfast. This is a FREE event! A great time for everyone! We need 5 volunteers to help hide eggs and supervise, please contact Ella at (937) 256-3855 after 1:30 PM
Egg hunt is limited to children ages 0 through 12 only
and will begin at noon.
Meet at sidewalk beside the tennis courts for egg hunt
Saturday April 15, 2006
Breakfast served in the shelter from 10:30 AM to 11:45 AM
Easter Egg Hunt begins at NOON
Hey everybody, it's that time of year when those bunnies lay those funny colored eggs and leave them in our neighborhood park! We invite the local children to search for them. The Church on the Rock is providing breakfast. This is a FREE event! A great time for everyone! We need 5 volunteers to help hide eggs and supervise, please contact Ella at (937) 256-3855 after 1:30 PM
Egg hunt is limited to children ages 0 through 12 only
and will begin at noon.
Meet at sidewalk beside the tennis courts for egg hunt
Plans for Park Program
Exciting plans are definitely in the works for a 2006 Summer Park program. The details are being ironed out, but there should be daily activities Monday through Friday and lunches provided for the children. T-Ball may become a reality in our park. Also, we may try to initiate a weekly activity for those parents that home-school their children. However, we need volunteers to help out with the events. Volunteers will be thoroughly screened to ensure that our children are protected. If you are interested in volunteering with the activities at the park this summer, please call Theresa Wendell, the executive director for the YMCA Neighborhood Development Center at the East End Community Center at 259-1898 or email her at
Meeting the Challenge
The Belmont Chili Cook Off was a success. There were around 40 people at the Lohrey Center to try the offerings. Including two city commissioners, one Mayor, one mayor's assistant and a former commissioner! There was plenty of chili to feed all. Of the 4 entries, three were from residents of Walnut Hills! Needless to say we placed 1st, 2nd and tied 3rd places. Maybe next year we should have a Walnut Hills Chili Cook Off and challenge Belmont!
Dayton Evaluating Urban Renewal Options for 12-Acre Site
As part of long-term community planning efforts, the City of Dayton is working to consolidate commercial nodes along the business corridors. One area identified as a concentration point is the Wayne Avenue and Wyoming Street intersection.
A recent study concluded that a 12.25-acre area near the Wayne and Wyoming intersection is blighted and has potential redevelopment value. As a result, City officials are moving forward with an urban renewal process that could lead to redeveloping the site for future commercial development.
Pierce Street, Wyoming Avenue, Hawker Street and Wayne Avenue generally bound the targeted area. It contains 86 parcels of property. According to the study, 44 percent of the buildings in the area show major deterioration or are substandard. Only 10 percent of the principal buildings in the study area were found to be sound.
To fully evaluate the redevelopment potential of the area, the City of Dayton intends to seek out interested developers and proposals. From there, an Urban Renewal Plan may be developed, and redevelopment plans will be shared with the community for feedback. The City Commission would ultimately be required to approve a formal Urban Renewal Plan. The entire process could take several months.
A recent study concluded that a 12.25-acre area near the Wayne and Wyoming intersection is blighted and has potential redevelopment value. As a result, City officials are moving forward with an urban renewal process that could lead to redeveloping the site for future commercial development.
Pierce Street, Wyoming Avenue, Hawker Street and Wayne Avenue generally bound the targeted area. It contains 86 parcels of property. According to the study, 44 percent of the buildings in the area show major deterioration or are substandard. Only 10 percent of the principal buildings in the study area were found to be sound.
To fully evaluate the redevelopment potential of the area, the City of Dayton intends to seek out interested developers and proposals. From there, an Urban Renewal Plan may be developed, and redevelopment plans will be shared with the community for feedback. The City Commission would ultimately be required to approve a formal Urban Renewal Plan. The entire process could take several months.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
What They Sold For!
Here is a list of last year's sheriff sale properties and what they sold for. This information is from the web site listing real estate tax information. If there is no deed transfer (NDT) on this web site and the owner has not re-negotiated the lien then it can be assumed that the bank has acquired the property and not changed the deed to avoid responsibility.
1420 Holly Ave. ($32,100) 317 Gunckel Ave. ($37,100)
1134 Arbor Ave (Fannie Mae) 1528-1530 Wyoming ($50,000)
31 Erie Ave. ($16,700) 1517-1519 Wyoming ($40,000)
137 Illinois Ave (NDT) 16 Gebhart St. ($32,000 by bank)
12 Virginia Ave (HUD) 1521-1523 Wyoming ($30,000)
15 Utah Ct (no sale) 1210 Arbor (NDT)
21 Anderson St. ($83,700) 1200 Wyoming ($26,000 by bank)
107 Edgar Ave (NDT) 243 Indiana Ave (NDT)
24 Edgar Ave ($30,000 by bank) 1101 Carlisle Ave(NDT)
1230 Highland Ave ($37,100) 2329 Wyoming (HUD)
1254 Phillips ($40,000) 405 Gunckel Ave ($29,000)
129 Heaton Ave ($30,000) 339 Illinois Ave (NDT)
1325 Arbor Ave, (NDT) 28 Lucerne (NDT)
1146 Carlisle Ave ($51,000 by bank) 1127 Highland Ave(HUD)
1039 Wyoming (VA) 340 Illinois Ave (NDT)
52 Illinois Ave (NDT) 19 Illinois Ave (NDT)
230 Edgar Ave (NDT) 1903 Alice $34,000 by bank)
1034 Walnut Hills Pl.($28,000 by bank) 238 Virginia Ave (Fannie Mae)
51 Missouri Ave ($47,844 by bank) 1808-1810 Wyoming ($61,000)
227 Illinois Ave (HUD) 29 Utah Ct. (NDT)
1314 Creighton Ave (NDT) 2310 Wayne Ave (NDT)
1127 Pritz Ave ($36,000 by bank) 1217 Creighton Ave ($40,100)
13 of the 44 properties (30%) have actually sold and most were to people who own several rental properties. Some reverted to HUD and the VA. The bad news is that 34% of the properties (those marked NDT) will most likely continue to sit vacant for some time.
1420 Holly Ave. ($32,100) 317 Gunckel Ave. ($37,100)
1134 Arbor Ave (Fannie Mae) 1528-1530 Wyoming ($50,000)
31 Erie Ave. ($16,700) 1517-1519 Wyoming ($40,000)
137 Illinois Ave (NDT) 16 Gebhart St. ($32,000 by bank)
12 Virginia Ave (HUD) 1521-1523 Wyoming ($30,000)
15 Utah Ct (no sale) 1210 Arbor (NDT)
21 Anderson St. ($83,700) 1200 Wyoming ($26,000 by bank)
107 Edgar Ave (NDT) 243 Indiana Ave (NDT)
24 Edgar Ave ($30,000 by bank) 1101 Carlisle Ave(NDT)
1230 Highland Ave ($37,100) 2329 Wyoming (HUD)
1254 Phillips ($40,000) 405 Gunckel Ave ($29,000)
129 Heaton Ave ($30,000) 339 Illinois Ave (NDT)
1325 Arbor Ave, (NDT) 28 Lucerne (NDT)
1146 Carlisle Ave ($51,000 by bank) 1127 Highland Ave(HUD)
1039 Wyoming (VA) 340 Illinois Ave (NDT)
52 Illinois Ave (NDT) 19 Illinois Ave (NDT)
230 Edgar Ave (NDT) 1903 Alice $34,000 by bank)
1034 Walnut Hills Pl.($28,000 by bank) 238 Virginia Ave (Fannie Mae)
51 Missouri Ave ($47,844 by bank) 1808-1810 Wyoming ($61,000)
227 Illinois Ave (HUD) 29 Utah Ct. (NDT)
1314 Creighton Ave (NDT) 2310 Wayne Ave (NDT)
1127 Pritz Ave ($36,000 by bank) 1217 Creighton Ave ($40,100)
13 of the 44 properties (30%) have actually sold and most were to people who own several rental properties. Some reverted to HUD and the VA. The bad news is that 34% of the properties (those marked NDT) will most likely continue to sit vacant for some time.
Chili Cook Off
Belmont-Eastmont-Hearthstone Community Council is having a Chili Cook Off and has invited the Walnut Hills Association to participate. The cook-off will be on Monday, March 20 at 6:30 pm in the multipurpose room at the Lohrey Center located on Glenarm Road in Belmont. It is an open event to discover who makes the "Best" chili. You need to show up with your pot of chili and allow yourself to be judged. With some luck the Dayton Mayor and/or some commissioners will serve as judges, so go easy on the hot sauce!
State of the Community Address
Things are looking up for the Walnut Hills neighborhood. Last year we initiated a playgroup and it has grown from 2 adults and 2 children to 5 adults and 7 children meeting every week at the Colorado Ave Church during the winter and at the Walnut Hills Park in the summer. A network for home-schooling parents was started and will become better established over the course of the coming year. Lela Estes has initiated a 2006 summer parks program for children in our park by working with the Department of Recreations, Twin Towers neighborhood, the YMCA and the East End Community Center. We are also going to have our annual Easter egg hunt in April in conjunction with a breakfast provided by the neighborhood "Church on the Rock.” Plans are in motion to have a neighborhood picnic at the park on the 4th of July. We would like to be able to have movies in the park on weekend evenings in the summer. Members of the fund raising committee are attempting to put together an organized, annual neighborhood-scale yard sale event that may materialize in 2007 in conjunction with a neighborhood-scale open house/garden tour. Now that the ball is in motion, it would be nice if a few more people would step forward to help in these endeavors.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Wilmington Ave/Wayne Ave Intersection Meeting
Thursday February 23rd 6:00 PM
10 Wilmington Place
There is $1.9 million in funds set aside for a project to align Wayne Ave. with Stewart Street. The goal is to make Stewart a two-way street and to widen the road to reduce traffic congestion at this intersection. To acquire the funds needed from the State of Ohio, a proposal was submitted that was devised in the early 1960s when NCR and DESCI were two major employers, and at a time that the population of the city was considerably higher.
The 1960s proposal is now considered obsolete but the funds have been allocated and changes are supposed to begin in 2009. The Walnut Hills Association and the Southeast Dayton Priority Board have expressed concerns about the proposal and the way the funding has been acquired. It is very important that residents, as many as possible, attend this meeting to provide their input because there are many who feel that this project is a waste of public money that could be better spent in another area of the city. It could also invoke eminent domain issues. Please plan to attend. If you drive through this junction at rush hour then your input is crucial. If you live on Stewart Street, your input is required. If you live on Wayne Ave. or if you live, work or have family residing at 10 Wilmington Place, your input is extremely important. The meeting should be informative and very interesting to say the least.
10 Wilmington Place
There is $1.9 million in funds set aside for a project to align Wayne Ave. with Stewart Street. The goal is to make Stewart a two-way street and to widen the road to reduce traffic congestion at this intersection. To acquire the funds needed from the State of Ohio, a proposal was submitted that was devised in the early 1960s when NCR and DESCI were two major employers, and at a time that the population of the city was considerably higher.
The 1960s proposal is now considered obsolete but the funds have been allocated and changes are supposed to begin in 2009. The Walnut Hills Association and the Southeast Dayton Priority Board have expressed concerns about the proposal and the way the funding has been acquired. It is very important that residents, as many as possible, attend this meeting to provide their input because there are many who feel that this project is a waste of public money that could be better spent in another area of the city. It could also invoke eminent domain issues. Please plan to attend. If you drive through this junction at rush hour then your input is crucial. If you live on Stewart Street, your input is required. If you live on Wayne Ave. or if you live, work or have family residing at 10 Wilmington Place, your input is extremely important. The meeting should be informative and very interesting to say the least.
Wyoming Theater Building to get a Face Lift

The owner of the old "Wyoming" Silent movie theater building on the corner of Wyoming Ave and Gunckel has enthusiastically agreed to allow a group of volunteers from the neighborhood to repair and make-over the facade of the building. The building was built in 1914 as a movie theater. Around 1929, after talking pictures were all the rage, it became the "Silver Slippers" and later "Kellys Bar". It has sat unoccupied for many years. The work to restore the facade will involve some stucco/masonry finishing, brick tuck pointing, wood refinishing, some gutter work and of course painting. The material cost for the work will be between $200 and $300 and will probably take 3 weekends to complete depending on the number of volunteers.
The members at the January meeting agreed that the cost was minimal when compared to the impact this would have on property values near this location. None of the work requires any trained skills and can be learned. If you are interested in participating in this neighborhood improvement project, call Gary at 253-1359. The work should start in April.
Neighborhood Leadership Institute
Applications are now being accepted for the annual Neighborhood Leadership Institute sponsored by the City of Dayton, Chase Bank and Sinclair Community College.
The Neighborhood Leadership Institute is a 12-week program designed to educate Dayton residents about local government. The 2006 program kicks off on Thursday, March 16. It is comprised of various workshops and skill-building components, such as public speaking. It also includes a day-long bus tour of Dayton neighborhoods. Workshops are held at different locations where participants hear presentations from community, business and government leaders on topics such as Dayton’s history, the role of City government, the criminal justice system, and cultural diversity. Class members also complete field assignments to expand their knowledge of Dayton, City government and the community at large. Participants will also be required to complete a practical program that requires them to develop a grassroots project within their community.
Anyone interested in participating must complete and submit an application no later than Monday, February 13. Application forms are available at all City of Dayton Priority Board Offices, the Division of Citizen Participation, located on the 6th floor of City Hall or via the City’s web site at
The Neighborhood Leadership Institute is a 12-week program designed to educate Dayton residents about local government. The 2006 program kicks off on Thursday, March 16. It is comprised of various workshops and skill-building components, such as public speaking. It also includes a day-long bus tour of Dayton neighborhoods. Workshops are held at different locations where participants hear presentations from community, business and government leaders on topics such as Dayton’s history, the role of City government, the criminal justice system, and cultural diversity. Class members also complete field assignments to expand their knowledge of Dayton, City government and the community at large. Participants will also be required to complete a practical program that requires them to develop a grassroots project within their community.
Anyone interested in participating must complete and submit an application no later than Monday, February 13. Application forms are available at all City of Dayton Priority Board Offices, the Division of Citizen Participation, located on the 6th floor of City Hall or via the City’s web site at
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Crime Watch Links Site Added
I have added a link to a page that I created that will give you access to public information that may help you find who owns a property or if someone you suspect of illegal activity has a criminal or court record. It is with the other links in the sidebar to the left.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
A Note on Neighborhood Crime
Crime increases in this neighborhood when schools are closed for breaks or holidays. Crime can also increase when new tenants occupy rental properties, especially when there are older children present in the home. If you notice an increase in vandalism or thefts from motor vehicles it is generally a result of these two factors.
Teenagers commit most car thefts in the City of Dayton. Burglaries often result in theft of items that are easily sold or pawned for cash to support a drug habit. It is unwise to leave power tools in your garage. On another note many burglaries and home invasions occur in homes where drugs are present due to the fact that it is unlikely that the crime will be reported.
If you suspect drug activity you can call the drug hotline # 333-DRUG to report your suspicions but you might want to record some vehicle license plate numbers and note the days and times of the activity before you call.
A recent crime in this neighborhood has been the stripping of aluminum siding from the backs and sides of vacant properties. This crime causes blight and reduces the fair market value of surrounding properties. If you see this happening, report the crime to the police.
Teenagers commit most car thefts in the City of Dayton. Burglaries often result in theft of items that are easily sold or pawned for cash to support a drug habit. It is unwise to leave power tools in your garage. On another note many burglaries and home invasions occur in homes where drugs are present due to the fact that it is unlikely that the crime will be reported.
If you suspect drug activity you can call the drug hotline # 333-DRUG to report your suspicions but you might want to record some vehicle license plate numbers and note the days and times of the activity before you call.
A recent crime in this neighborhood has been the stripping of aluminum siding from the backs and sides of vacant properties. This crime causes blight and reduces the fair market value of surrounding properties. If you see this happening, report the crime to the police.
Public information as a resource
If you have a home computer and Internet access, there are some tools that you can use to know what is going on in your block.
If you want to know who owns a property or if taxes on a property are delinquent you can check this at the Montgomery County Treasurers site If taxes are at least two years in arrears any person who deposits $1000 with the county can initiate a sheriff sale. This money is applied to the sale price if that person buys the property at auction or is refunded if another bidder purchases the property.
If a property owner is a business or fictitious name, then you can check the Secretary of States web site to find the articles of incorporation filed with the State of Ohio. This will list the name and address of a contact person and often the name of the company president. You can locate that information here
If you are interested in finding out if there any mortgage liens exist you can check that out at the County Recorders web site where releases and deed information is also available.
This next site is most effective though ( because it will allow you to access civil and criminal record information on file with the county and the City of Dayton. This information can indicate whether a property owner has a history of housing or zoning code violations or whether they frequently have to evict tenants. It will also indicate if someone you suspect of being involved with the sale of drugs has a criminal record that would substantiate your suspicions. It also informs you if a person has an outstanding warrant for their arrest.
The Dayton Municipal Court site (
allows you to view the housing and general docket information telling you which cases are to appear before the judge on a given day.
If anyone is interested in expanding their block watch into a court watch or want some tools to assist with probable drug activity then these web sites may prove useful. The fact that I am disclosing this means that most residents in Walnut Hills now know that they have free access to this information. This also means that we have just become a safer neighborhood. The chronic criminal element and drug dealers don't want you to know who they are and what they are doing and now you have a window into their past.
NOTE. If your property values were assessed by the county and increased more than you feel is fair, you can use the treasurers web site to check the values of all the properties on your street to see if there are any discrepancies. This site lists recent sales history as well as tax information.
If you want to know who owns a property or if taxes on a property are delinquent you can check this at the Montgomery County Treasurers site If taxes are at least two years in arrears any person who deposits $1000 with the county can initiate a sheriff sale. This money is applied to the sale price if that person buys the property at auction or is refunded if another bidder purchases the property.
If a property owner is a business or fictitious name, then you can check the Secretary of States web site to find the articles of incorporation filed with the State of Ohio. This will list the name and address of a contact person and often the name of the company president. You can locate that information here
If you are interested in finding out if there any mortgage liens exist you can check that out at the County Recorders web site where releases and deed information is also available.
This next site is most effective though ( because it will allow you to access civil and criminal record information on file with the county and the City of Dayton. This information can indicate whether a property owner has a history of housing or zoning code violations or whether they frequently have to evict tenants. It will also indicate if someone you suspect of being involved with the sale of drugs has a criminal record that would substantiate your suspicions. It also informs you if a person has an outstanding warrant for their arrest.
The Dayton Municipal Court site (
allows you to view the housing and general docket information telling you which cases are to appear before the judge on a given day.
If anyone is interested in expanding their block watch into a court watch or want some tools to assist with probable drug activity then these web sites may prove useful. The fact that I am disclosing this means that most residents in Walnut Hills now know that they have free access to this information. This also means that we have just become a safer neighborhood. The chronic criminal element and drug dealers don't want you to know who they are and what they are doing and now you have a window into their past.
NOTE. If your property values were assessed by the county and increased more than you feel is fair, you can use the treasurers web site to check the values of all the properties on your street to see if there are any discrepancies. This site lists recent sales history as well as tax information.
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